Player's Prayer ~ Chapter 6

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I couldn't believe I was sitting there, outside this place for what seemed like the 100th time. I couldn't even look her in her face let alone say a complete sentence to her. This is happening again and there's nothing I can do about it. As I sat outside on the car thinking, Jas walked out slowly. I hopped off the car and opened the door for her to get in, after closing the door, I slowly walked to the driver's side and got in. This time the ride home was silent, besides the few sniffles Jas made from crying. I don't know why she did it. Could've just kept the baby. Pulling up to the apartments, I shut off the car as she got out. I just can't believe she did this again for the third time. When we got home she went straight to the room as I went to the couch. I ain't have nothing to say about what happened today and I was gonna keep it that way too. I was playing my PS3 until I got a call from Luther.

"Yo?" I answered.

"Hey Goldie, it's go time."


"He's coming to Atlanta in 4 weeks. Perfect timing to handle it." He said.

"Aight. Just remind me about it. You got the equipment?"

"Already taken care of."


"Keep a down low profile."

"I already know."

"Out." Luther said before hanging up.


I woke up to Jas all cuddled up on me. I ain't know I fell asleep. I didn't even feel her come and snuggle up on me. I just laid there as I thought about it, this is what it has really came to. I got up and went to the bathroom. After handling my business, I got decent and left.

"You looked stressed." Manny the club owner walked up to me.

"Naw, just not having a good week."

"Something up?"

"Just some issues with my girl."

"Been there before. What's up with you and her?"

"She did something to my dismay."

"Here, few drinks on the house man." He said patting my back and walking away towards a female at the bar. After a few drinks, the anger faded away. I felt good and felt free. The strippers were making my night and I was making theirs.

"Hey nigga! She not all your's." Some nigga said to me as I was watching this girl dance.

"She is now." I said tossing $20 on the stage.

"Go ahead and head over there Sunny.." Said Toya. She stopped dancing and got off the pole as Toya watched her walk away. "Goldie, you are good peoples. You got you a good girl and a family at home. You don't need to be up in here wasting money and getting drunk."

"I wish it was that easy T."

"What's wrong with you?" She asked.

"She aborted our baby." I said low enough for her to hear me.

"I'm sorry to hear that Goldie, but don't sit up in here and blow your money on a lap dance and alcohol." She said.

"T, why you dance up in here? I would've never expected you to be up in here."

"Having a kid and needed money for bills. You gotta do what you gotta do." She said.

"You too good to be up in here." I said.

"This is how I survive."

"You ever thought about going back to school?"

"School isn't gonna pay bills."

"Dancing ain't always gonna be there." I said as she got up.

"I'll see you around Goldie. Go head home and be with your family." She said before walking away.

After she left, I thought about it and headed home. Falling out on the couch, I was out. I woke up to Ant watching cartoons in the living room and Jas doing laundry. Sitting up, I was hit with a massive headache. Looking at the table, there was Advil and a glass of water sitting there. I took the pills and got up to use the bathroom.

"Daddy? Wanna play cars?" Ant asked.

"Not now Ant." I said walking away.

"Mommy, why Daddy not talking?" I heard him ask Jas.

"Daddy not feeling well." I heard her reply.

I splashed cold water on my face to come to my senses. I was feeling nauseas but didn't wanna deal with that, but me not wanting to deal with didn't stop me from bending over the toilet. I feel like crap. I brushed my teeth and straightened up before coming out the bathroom.

"A woman named Janae called for you." Jas said to me as I came out the bathroom.

"Why you touching my phone?" I asked.

"Who is Janae and why does she need to meet up with you?"

"None of your business. Why you answering my phone?"

"Is she who you went to see in New York last week?"

"If she was, what does it have to do with you?"

"It involves me as much as you. Who is she? Why is she calling your phone?" She questioned me.

"I'm done talking about this." I said walking off.

"Lloyd! Really? You can be man enough to step out, but not man enough to tell me who you with?"

"You females always work y'all self up about stuff. Always thinking we with somebody. You so damn insecure that you go through my shit. You find what you wanted?" I asked before grabbing my phone and keys and walking out the house slamming the door behind me.

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