Ch. 4

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"what's date?", she looked up at me with her (e/c) orbs shining brightly. "it's nothing important, (l/n)-san", I answered her, while walking out of the gym with her, she hummed a song, a very familiar song, but I couldn't get what is it, it's on the tip of my tongue.

The Maji burger was in sight, I smiled slightly and read my comic, Kamisama hajimemashite.

Normal POV
You stared up at him and saw him reading his book, then you noticed how familiar the book was, 'eh??'.

"it's KAMISAMA KISS!! where'd you get that book, Kú-tan?", you took a peek of the book with sparkling eyes. He tilted his head to the side slightly and told you, it was from the book store in 'best eastern', they were on sale that time. You pouted, "can you bring me there next time, I want to buy mangas too~! I want shingeki no kyoujin and this story i just heard about, something about ghoul".

"(l/n)-san? You like reading comics as well? That's great, don't worry I'll bring you there next time", he looked straight ahead and infront of him was the Maji burger shop. "come", he said.

He walked in with you following as usual, "what do you want to order, (l/n)-san?". "etto, I'll try vanilla shake, since i heard it taste delicious", you said with a smile. He nodded and ordered two vanilla shakes. You both took a seat next to the window after getting your orders, you both talked and talked about your childhood and even he, opened up a little, eventhough his childhood was mostly about basketball [←i don't know~ i'm making that up].

"hehehehe, really now? I've always wanted a dog, I bet Nigou's cute, ne?", you stared up at him while you both were walking to your house. He looked at you and nodded, "indeed, he's cute, but you're cuter". Oops, that slipped (≧▽゜⊆).

Your eyes widened as you blush deeply.

Doki doki

Doki doki

'he said, I'm cute...but i'm not..', "wh-what did you just say, Kú-tan?", you tilted your head slightly. He looked away hiding his blushing face which was a little taint, sooooo OOC, "please forget it, (l/n)-san", he plead, still looking away, "anyway, you can come to my place to play with Nigou, if you want". You nodded slowly with a smile, experiencing the new Kuroko infront of you.

"ne, Kú-tan do you think the next opponent will be hard while there's one of the generarion of miracles there? Cu'z i heard that they were getting stronger", you tried to break the silence by starting the whole conversation. "... I don't know, (l/n)-san it may be hard, since the fight between kaijou and Seirin were hard, the difference was only one point, Kise-kun is there in Kaijou high".

"souka~ it's a good thing I didn't went to that school instead of Seirin, i might be dragged away by those creepy fangirls of his~ anyway who won the game, Kaijou vs Seirin?", you looked at the road while skipping with a smile, him walking behind you closely. "seirin won". "woah!! Good for you!", you turned around and pulled him into a hug, you felt him tense so you pulled away but before you do, he put his arms around you and said thank you, you smiled and let him go suddenly feeling blood rushing to your pale cheeks, and walked again infront of him.

"a-ano, Kú-tan", you called. He hummed as a sign for you to continue. "can we both play basketball together at the street basketball court next time?". He grabbed your wrist making you surprise, you turned around, "y-y-yes?".

"i would love to, (y/n)-chan", he said while staring straight at you. He called you by dropping the formality and he also called you by your first name, why is that?. You blushed and tried to smile but you can't, you were blushing deeply, "th-then it's decided~! My house is around that corner, if you want to leave me here, I don't mind, go-" "no, it's rude to leave a girl alone especially at night while escorting her back to her home, it'll be dangerous", he warned, still holding your wrist. "oh, okaay...", you felt his grip loosen, you hold his hand, the one he used to grip your wrist. His eyes widened at the sudden action then he realized that your hands were cold while his was warm.

"are you cold, (y/n)-chan?", he walked closer to you. You nodded. He furrowed his brows and put his arms around you from behind while his arm reached your hands and he gave your hand a squeeze before pushing you gently to walk with him to your house.

"th-thank you, Kú-tan", you blushed.

I Love You Anyway, F*ck That Jealousy (Kuroko's love story)Where stories live. Discover now