Ch. 7

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When we went in, we both were greeted by Nigou. "wharf!!", he called, while jumping into my arms. (y/n)-chan beside me looks at the dog with curiousity building in her eyes. "does he bite, Kú-tan?", she carefully hold her hand up to caress Nigou. Nigou looked at her and sniffed her hand before cuddling onto her, i guess Nigou likes her.

"oh my god... Kú-tan it's so kawaii... He...he looks very emotionless just like his master, how cute!", she squealed and hugged Nigou, I smiled at her, "you can play with Nigou while I change upstairs". She nodded with a cute smile.

Doki doki

Doki doki

was that my heartbeat? It was beating fast. I walked upstairs and changed my clothings into my normal long v-shaped shirt.

Normal POV
You played with nigou, one time you chased it and the second it chased you, you screamed while laughing, while nigou chasing you and barking cutely. You never knew that the light blue headed boy staring at both of you with a smile. You screamed when nigou jumped on you causing you to fall over your back, while Nigou licking your face, huehuehue~.

"nigou~ yamette~ yamette yo~! Yahahahaha! You're tickling me~! AHAHAHAHA!", you laughed. "Nigou, you're gonna get (y/n)-chan dying of laughter", a voice you heard called beside you. Nigou stopped instantly and jumped off of you to the voice. You turned your head to look at the said voice and smile to see the phantom sixth guy, kneeling down beside your figure, you sat up with the help of Kuroko's arm.

You smiled at him. "(y/n)-chan, did you have fun playing with nigou?", he asked patting its head. You smiled at him, "yes, I love him very much!". You saw him frown a little, "what's wrong, Kú-tan?", you asked while tilting your head a little, "were you worried about the 'yes' part or the 'i love him very much' part?", you caressed his face gently without thinking twice making his face reddened.

"a-anou...", he looked away, then you pulled your hand away quickly when you realized he felt awkward, "ah, g-gomen!", you looked away while blushing furiously. 'why did i do that? Don't tell me i can't control myself at him... No', you thought to yourself while mentally slapping yourself. He stood up and helped you up, "let's go to best eastern, (y/n)-chan". "a-are we bringing, nigou-chan too?", you asked making him turn his attention to you. "no..", he said without a doubt. You nodded and waved nigou goodbye. You walked out of his house before he locked his door, and left with you.

"i love dogs, they're really cute and adorable", you started so suddenly. He looked at you from the corner of his eyes. "i can see that, (y/n)-chan. But how come you don't have one?", he asked with a hint of jealousy. "you see, i too had a dog first but because it had accidently bit my father's hand, my father took it away from our family and left it all alone, abandoned, since then my father doesn't like dogs. He despised it...", you softly clenched your fist with a small frown on your face.

Suddenly he hold both of your shoulder so that you could look straight at him in the eyes. His right hand reached your left cheek and he gently pushed your lips upwards a little, "(y/n)-chan... Frowning doesn't suits you. Your smile is perfect. I promise, i'll buy you a dog", he pats your head. You blushed, "y-you don't have to buy me one, I can always play with nigou", you said hesitantly. He looked at you with an empty expression which you can't read at all. You can only read his eyes, his eyes was somehow fills with sadness and....despair?

"i'll buy you one, (y/n)-chan", he vowed. You furrowed your brows together before cupping his face with both your hands. "please, you don't have to buy me one, Kú-tan", you said sweetly with a small smile, "c'mon where's best eastern?", you hold his hand.

".... Straight ahead, there's a time square there and in the time square there's a store called best eastern, come i'll show you", he said eyes never taking off of your intertwined hand. He walked with you and soon enough arrived at the time square.

"woahh! This is so big!", you looked up in awe. He smiled a little before proceed to go in. You both found the store, best eastern, and you instantly let his hand go and pulled his arm to go in there with you. You were smiling like a kid who already gets what she wanted. You both went to the comic section which was beside the ghost story section. You squealed silently amazed by the numbers of comics, which were a lot! "this is what i call Paradise, Kú-tan!", you hugged him and looked at the books and mangas and comics, they were lined in series. You surf through the mangas and found Kamisama Kiss.

"(y/n)-chan, you don't have to buy Kamisama hajimemashita. You can borrow mine, i have the series from 1 till the new release already", he said from behind you. You nodded, "ok! I'll buy tokyo ghoul", you grabbed all the series, since the story is not that much and hold it in your arms. "let me carry that", he took it from you and you both head to the cashier to pay. He insisted on paying but you kept on resisting it, "no, you don't have to, Kú-tan~ let me pay it", you insisted it.

He chuckled and paid it for you without giving a chance for you to take out your purse. You pouted, "fine, but at Maji burger, i'll pay". He nodded and carried your books. "but at least let me carry my books", you plea. He shook his head disapprovingly, "no, it's rude to let the girl carry books this heavy while the boy doesn't do anything". You sighed, "at the very least, let me carry a few of the books, I REALLY don't want to make a burden". He nodded a little and gave you two series for you to carry while he carries the other remainings.

~Time skip~

Kuroko's POV
"you go ahead and seat next to Kagami-tan while i buy us drinks", she smiled at me, which i replied with a nod and proceed to seat at my usual seat which was nearby the window and i saw Kagami was there with a tons of burgers in his tray.

"oh, so you came here with your girlfriend what a surprise", he grins widely.

I Love You Anyway, F*ck That Jealousy (Kuroko's love story)Where stories live. Discover now