Ch. 37

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Once you calm down, he look at you and let his fingers stroke your cheek gently while wiping the dried tears, “a dream is merely a dream, as long as you don't put your mind to it... it would not happen”, he soothed.

“Finally.. the match that will determine the champion of today's event! Both are High school teams! Which will turn out to be champion?”.

The announcement started off. Kuroko looked back at you, “I'll be back okay?”, he patted your head before he assembled with the others.

“Come! Both teams please get set.... TIP OFF!!”.

Surprisingly, something interesting was being thrown ontop of the ball, catching every player's attention, no not only the players, even the crowds who were watching. A maiubo was thrown and safely landed ontop of the ball before the ball was being caught by a familiar purple-haired tall male.

“gomen~ Did I make you wait?”, it was none other than the tall barnie, Murasakibara Atsushi. “you're late again Atsushi”, Himuro complied which in return Murasakibara answered, “yeah my bad, I got lost two times again and I met with (shortname)-chin and she was lost too!”, he answered with his usual emotionless face.

Kuroko arched an eyebrow, 'she met Murasakibara-kun again', “It's been a while.. Murasakibara-kun”, he greeted with his now serious look. Hearing Kuroko's voice made the tall male perked up, “ne~ isn't that Kuro-chin~ you look...dead serious.. as always! So serious.. makes me want to crush it!”, he reached his big hand to Kuroko's head with a mischievous look on his face.

Furihata and Fukuda was already surprised at the thought of Kuroko's head being crushed by the said tall male but that stopped when they saw a smile on the purple-haired male while he said, “naah~ I'm just teasing you~”, he ruffled Kuroko's upper hair which simply made Kuroko ticked off.

Kuroko spared a glance at you before glancing back at Murasakibara alas slapping his big hand away from ruffling his head, “please stop that now”, he plead in annoyance. Murasakibara laughed, “what?~ you angry? (shortname)-chin wasn't angry at all when I did that to her, hehehe, anyway I did aplogize”.

'no he didn't', the boys thought in their mind.

“wait yosen's in the inter high! Which means you're supposed to have played right until yesterday! Why are you here?”, Furihata yelled out his thoughts to Murasakibara who was calmly eating chips. “ahh~ I didn't play”. In response he got a quick why so Murasakibara answered, “who knows?~ perhaps just because Aka-chin said so?”.

“and this Aka-chin..”.

“he's refering to Akashi-kun”, Kuroko said with a serious voice. Just hearing Akashi's name rolling from Kuroko's tongue makes the colour of your face drained white and shivers running down your spine. “he used to be our captain”, he continued.

Just then the referee blow his whistle to the boys, “wait a minute! Don't disrupt the match you're troubling everyone here! What are you thinking?!”, he yelled then he looked at Himuro, “also, everyone's wearing their team uniform, where's yours?”.

You heaved out a sigh knowing that they were having trouble with playing, you look up at the sky, realizing it was getting dark all of a sudden,  you felt the chills by remembering your dream minutes ago.

“don't mind this interuption! Let's get back to the action! And game.. Start!!! it's team Seirin's first attack!! Ignite pass... To Kiyoshi Teppei!! And he's taking directly to a goal..”.

Seirin's team first score. Then the ball switched to Himuro who was one-on-one with Kagami and instead Himuro made a three-pointer with a different posing. Then Furihata passed the ball to Kuroko and he quickly slammed the ball straight to Kagami so he could be one-on-one with Muraskibara.


One simple plop from the sky, ends up with hundred, no countless plops of water.

“it's raining! Pause! This match will be stopped for a moment! Patricipants, please return to the stand!”

Then Himuro surprised Kagami with a shot that Kagami never seen before while in the rain, everyone was shocked at the shot which seemed like a normal shot but...much more different. It was a Mirage Shot.

“it has been decided the match will be cancelled! Participants, please return to the stand!”.

“see you again and our next encounter..”, Himuro trailed off his words. So Kiyoshi continued, “at the winter and then we'll face each other in our team uniforms!”. Murasakibara glared at Kiyoshi, “i don't get you! I thought I already thought you a lesson!”, he then walked over to Kuroko and pat his head, “and bye bye to Kuro-chin~”, which in return his hand got slapped again by Kuroko, “ah gomen~ angry again?”.

“Murasakibara-kun, do you still think.. basketball's boring?”, the simple question that came out from Kuroko's lip made Murasakibara turned his switch. “if you bring this up again, I'll crush you down even if it's Kuro-chin, I've never been sure if basketball is fun or not but I do it because I'm talented! And what's wrong with that? Well if you want to talk me out of thinking that, try! At the wintercup!”, he replied before walking away to you.

He leaned down to your now scared face and patted your head, “Aka-chin will come tonight”.

I Love You Anyway, F*ck That Jealousy (Kuroko's love story)Where stories live. Discover now