Ch. 35

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“Oh no! We're late!”

“that's because you went back for more food!! You won't stop eating!”

“I'm sure Seihou will win!”.

“what's that commotion?”.

The boys realized something was a bit off. All of you looked at the score only to be blown off to the outstanding loss seihou achieved. 19 points difference with Seihou's lost against a strong opponent.

“why is he here? he here?”, Kagami who was in shocked, stared at the male standing in the court with proud look yet stoic as ever, “Himuro Tatsuya!”, he yelled and quickly gained the male's attention.

(*this will be in english*)
“Taiga..? *I never expected  to see you here! What a surprise*”, the said Himuro answered in a not-so-shock way. “*you don't loook surprised at all, still wearing a poker face?*”, Kagami scoffed. “*I'm not trying to hide my feelings, I'm just expressing them in my way*”, he smirked.

“so... *is it Mr.Himuro? Kagami's friend?*”, Kiyoshi interfered in the conversation. “ahh it's okay just speak japanese”, Himuro smiled at the senpai. You looked around, ' where did Murasakibara-tan go?'. The boys reminisced their childhood life in America before and ended up making the referee annoyed by them just standing there being the centre of attention.

“I think today's the best fulfill our promise”, Himuro added. “let's talk at other place please besides it's time to rest for a few minutes before the match starts”, you huffed a puff before dragging Kagami out of the court.

“who is she? She's so cute”, Himuro laughed, “you came to japan only to court a girl, I see”, he smirked at the red-headed who in return twitched in annoyance. “I don't like her that way!! I see her as a sister, THAT'S ALL!!”, he fumed. “okay okay~ let's just say it that way”, he turned to look at you with a smile, “he's always this ignorant, isn't he?”. You nodded with your usual sweet smile. He stared, “geez, I might end up falling for a cute girl like you”, he patted your shoulder with a smile.

“Tatsuya!”, Kagami called with his unusual serious tone. Himuro looked at Kagami with his usual stoic look and replied, “yes?”. “to me, you'll always be..”, before he could continue his words, his words were halted by an annoyed puppy. Nigou punched Kagami's face, shocking himself, Himuro, you and the other boys.

“OUCH! NIGOU!!”, he yelled in annoyance. You pulled nigou to your chest, “don't hurt nigouuuu~”, you whined. “he hurt me first!”. Your bottom lip was shaking and was about to cry when Kuroko patted your head, “that's okay, he's not mad at you”.

“sheeeisshh Kagami! You nearly made (y/n)-chan cry!”, Kiyoshi frowned before shaking his head in disbelief. “it's only near-”, he got cut off again by Furihata, “you should be like Kuroko here!”. “tonikaku..”, Kuroko continued where he left off after letting nigou punch Kagami's face, “Kagami-kun, you do get annoying when  you're indecisive, I think I get what's between you two now, I hope you'll listen, No matter what you felt, it's wrong for a sportsman to lose on purpose”.

“KUROKO! You know what'll happened if I wi-”, right before he completed his words, he got cut off AGAIN by Kuroko. “You'll never call Himuro-san your “big brother”again and besides, you think it's wrong to call that match the final one when the other party's not even fit BUT this is the game both of you were supposed to love! No one can walk away satisfied when your archival gave the game away on purpose! Besides..even if he isn't your big brother anymore, you'll always be important to each other”.

The boys talked to each other while you were just dozing off and looking around at the same time, you felt being watched by lots of eyes but you didn't put any mind to it anyway.

“do I know you?”, that simple question coming out from Himuro's lips made the others sweatdropped. “I'm Kuroko Tetsuya, nice to meet you”. “I see, you're.... you've found an interesting partner Taiga.... and you, what's your name?”, Himuro asked as he looks at you but you were still dozing off.

'REJECTED', the boys thought in their mind.

“um?”, he called out while shaking his hand infront of your face FINALLY gaining your attention, “what's your name?”. You blinked your eyes two times widely before smiling, “I'm (y/n) (l/n), nice to meet you Himuro-tan”, you bowed your head. He chuckled, “I seriously like this girl”, he muttered.

He was about to leave when Kiyoshi decided to call out for him, “Wait a minute, Tatsuya! You know Kuroko?”. Himuro smirked, “I've heard about him, an interesting teammate at my place told me about him! If we have a chance, I'll introduce him but that can wait”, he then walked away.

[Miru's note:~ heh Kaga-nigou moment🌝🌚 and... Tatsu-reader moment okay that's enough //got slapped//]

I Love You Anyway, F*ck That Jealousy (Kuroko's love story)Where stories live. Discover now