Ch. 38

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Your eyes widened in fear and after he left you on the bench, tears started rolling down your cheeks, afraid of what he was talking about. Your face was already wet by the rain, so it wasn't obvious that you were crying again. Kiyoshi walked over to your side then his face went pink. The others also went to your side to pick their things up but also went pink.

Kagami and Kuroko talked for a moment before they walked to your place, Kagami saw what he shouldn't have seen so Kuroko jabbed his side making him fall face first and he also jabbed the others making them grunt.

What they saw was, your shirt drenched wet and they could see what's inside your shirt. You being clueless and just finished crying didn't know what's going on.

“(y/n)-chan...let's go somewhere where there's no downpour, to dry yourself”, he grabbed his bag and nigou was running around in the rain, he covered your head with his bag and covered your chest with a towel he brought, then he qiuckly ran to a place.

“darn that Kuroko”, Kagami cussed under his breath before grabbing his bag. “chill~ she's his girl, of course he would be all protective over her”, Kiyoshi laughed it out before rubbing his side that was being jabbed by Kuroko moments ago, “but seriously.. that hurts”.

While with you and Kuroko, he was drying your hair with his towel while you just looked down with a visible worried face that you tried so hard to hide.

“(y/n)-chan, were you crying again in the rain?”, he asked which made you gasped in shock to how he actually knew that you were crying, he was making a straight face so you couldn't comprehend what he was thinking about. “are you angry..”, you asked with a soft voice. He shook his head as a no, “why were you crying again? Did Murasakibara-kun said something to hurt your feelings?”, he was still drying your hair.

“no... nothing”, you avoid his eyes which made him stopped drying your hair, he lift your chin up so he could catch your gaze. “you're lying (y/n)-chan..”. Tears started to fall again which made the teal blue haired male became even more worried. “(y/n)-chan you should change your clothes into a dry'll catch a cold, I'll go change too”, he said to you before giving your bag.

“b-but....I don't bring extra shirt..”, you whimpered. Kuroko looked at you, he then rummaged through his bag, and found his extra shirt, “here”. You smiled up to him before planting a sweet kiss fill with ice-cream with a cherry on top on his cheek before excusing yourself. He smiled at the kiss before going to the boy's restroom where the others were.

~Time skip to after done changing shirt~

Kagami looked at Kuroko, “you two must be on bad terms!”. Kuroko shook his head, “nothing of that sort, I actually like him as a person..we just don't happen to maintain agreeable terms as fellow basketball players.. the main reason being he doesn't enjoy basketball at all thus he thinks he can be good at things he doesnt like and those “untalanted ones” that love the game, he dislikes them with passion... that was how he put it... perhaps, just our love for basketball won't make us win..but I think.. if we give our best to something we love, we'll enjoy the victories from the bottom of our hearts. I love basketball, and I love seirin where everyone loves basketball”.

Kagami then scoffed, “pffft- your're missing someone important, Kuroko”.

Kuroko glared at Kagami before looking at you with a smile. You smiled back at him. Just then Kagami received a message from the coach, “eh? Why is our coach telling us to get back to school?”.

“let's just get in the train before we miss it again”, Kiyoshi laughed before shaking his head in disbelief.

While the 6 of you were in the train, Kuroko was comfortably sleeping on your shoulder while Kagami was lying his head on your head on the other side. Furihata was sleeping next to Fukuda who was slightly dozing off. Kiyoshi on the other hand was looking around, to make sure all of you didn't miss the station.

When the six of you arrived at the school, it was still raining dreadfully and night had already came. The six of you went into the gym. Fukuda was the first one to realize that all the sophomores were there too.

Riko who seemwhat annoyed, glared at the boys while greeting them. You were standing next to Kiyoshi with a smile, “why did you-”, your words went to a stop when you saw a familiar pinkette went pass you, straight to your boyfriend and quickly glomped him.

“Tetsu-kun!!”, she made a dramatic hug. Kuroko was shocked too, “Momoi-san?”.

The boys quickly glance to you.

Your eyes were widened in shock, you took one step back, trying your best to make your heart strong, but bit by bit it started to crack. You took another step back and walked away. All of a sudden, Momoi started tearing up while gripping Kuroko's shirt. That simple gesture made your heart broke instantly.

You left the scene as quietly as possible.

I Love You Anyway, F*ck That Jealousy (Kuroko's love story)Where stories live. Discover now