Ch. 40

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“so did you take her back safe?”, Hyúga looked at the smiling male. “yea, I guess so, some guy in a limou said that he's bringing her back and he also said that her mother already knew about it”, Tsuchida answered coolly.

“some guy..?”, he irked an eyebrow to the eye-smile male and he only nodded his head, “should we tell Kuroko about it?”. “Kuroko is sending the pink girl back, so don't have to”, Kagami replied while looking at the senpai, “is (y/n)-chan okay?”. “she...seemed okay to me”, Tsuchida half-heartedly smile.

Now all eyes were on Tsuchida.

“seemed?”, they questioned,

“well... I don't know if it was my imagination or not but.....when she got into the limou....she....was trembling, OR she was just cold due to the rain”, he grinned in the end. “why would she tremble? I guess cold is the best option”, Koganei grinned ear-to-ear. Hyúga huffed a sigh, “damn this goosebumps..”.

~The Next Day~

“osu!”, one by one the boys enter the gym. Riko was staring at her watch and was tapping her foot on the floor impatiently. Hyúga went up to her, “what's with you?”, he cocked an eyebrow at her.

“One, you guys are LATE! Two!! Where're the first years??”, she asked while still tapping her foot on the floor impatiently. Fukuda, Furihata and Kawahara raised their hand, “we're here senpai”. “Kagami-kun? Kuroko-kun? (y/n)-chan? Where are they?”, she continued to furrow her brows.

Just then, someone barged into the gym while panting hard, “BAD NEWS!!”. Everyone in the gym turned their heads to the intruder only to found out that it was Kagami who had a disrupted look on his face.

“chill dude, what's up?”, Fukuda patted Kagami's back to calm him down. Kagami looked at all his teammates before exhaling deeply and inhaling it back, “it's (y/n)-chan... she didn't return home at all last night! She.. she...”.

“WHAT!!!!!”, they all yelled in unison. Hyúga rushed over to Kagami's side and slap his back hardly, “stop joking around Kagami, I'm-”. “I'M NOT!!”, he yelled in anger to the said senpai which shocked them. Seconds later, Kuroko walked into the gym with the most blank face he ever made but still held worrisome in it. “Kuroko-kun, are you feeling okay?”, Riko rushed to the teal male who was already hopeless and was ready to pass out. Then he passed out on the floor as sweats trickling down his temple at the thought of his beloved girl leaving him.

Kuroko's POV
Why....? This is all my fault.. I shouldn't have paid attention to Momoi-san. What was I thinking? I was the one who supposed to sent (y/n)-chan back home. I am the only one who who could protect her no matter what. Why did I..? How foolish of me. I was so stupid.

I looked ahead of me and only saw darkness.

Where is (y/n)-chan?

(y/n)-chan..where are you?

Please d..don't leave me..

The next thing I know, my eyes were prickling with tears.

What..? Am I...crying? Why..

“Kú-tan”, I heard her sweet voice calling out to me, I looked around insearch of her voice. There I saw her. Why is she so far way? I reached my hand to her while running to her but why is she getting even further away?

“please!! come back (y/n)-chan! I'm sorry! PLEASE”, I ran to her while my tears were rolling down my cheeks, I trip on my leg and fell, I look up and saw her sad face, “please.......don't.....go”, I wailed reaching for her but to no avail, she was out of reach.

“goodbye..Kú-tan”, she waved to me with her sad beautiful smile, a tear slipped from her eyes and she was gone.

No.. No..

This can't be happening.

No she's not gone!

I got up on my feet, stumbling at that before running back to where I last saw her.


She was nowhere to be found.


I was on my knees, crying my heart out, yelling for her to come back.

Please (y/n)-chan, come back here, come back to me.. PLEAAASEE!!

[Miru's note:~ Kuroko.....don't cry...Heh I'm just ruining the mood here]

I got up, quickly opening my eyes, I felt dried tears on my cheek. I looked around. I'm in the infirmary? Where's (y/n)-chan? It was merely a nightmare right? (y/n)-chan would never leave me, it's just a nightmare. Finally I'm awake.

I Love You Anyway, F*ck That Jealousy (Kuroko's love story)Where stories live. Discover now