Ch. 10

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Your POV
'oh my god! I just kissed Kú-tan on the cheek...hazukashiiiiii!'. I went to the assembled team with a smile when suddenly i heard a cute little bark. I looked around and saw Kagami-tan being chased by a black and white small dog. I squealed, "nigou!". And then nigou stopped to a halt before turning to look at me and it ran towards me with a cute bark. It jumped into my embrace, "yay! You remembered me!♥". I looked ahead to Kagami-tan and he was lying on the ground breathless. I giggled before everyone laughed, and there came Kú-tan, he came from the boy's locker.

I quickly blush remembering what happened, minutes ago, i sweatdropped when suddenly i heard whining, i looked down and nigou was looking at me with big cute eyes and it whined slightly, i blushed and hugged it before patting it's head. Riko called, "Kuroko-kun, please join them, it's a practice between kouhai and senpai". "hai", Kuroko nodded before looking at me with his rare smile which i found it cute.

I sat down at the nearest bench with Riko by my side, peering at my shoulder to look at nigou playing with my hands. Ah i love him. "ne nigou", i called. Nigou barked back in return for the gesture. "do you play catch?", i asked the dog and as if he could understand me he barked and licked my face. I smiled widely and threw whatever was in my hand and i heard a crash, i looked around me, OH NO! THAT WAS MY PHONE!

"Riko-san...d-did i just threw my phone...?", my lips were quivering terribly. Riko looked at me with disbelief eyes. Nigou took it and he whined, his cute whiny voice. It rushed to me and placed my broken smashed phone onto my shaky hands, "my papa gave it to me..", i sighed and knocked my head with my knuckles, "baka-janai ka na~", i closed my eyes and slipped my tongue out and giggled. Then the screeching of the shoes stop and it was silence, for once i thought it was only my imagination then i look up, the team are stopping and they were looking at me with wide eyes and red dust spreading across their cheeks. I blinked a few times before i heard soft footsteps walking to me, the next think i knew my broken smashed phone was in Kuroko's hands.

"(y/n)-chan, please do not touch electrical appliances when they are broken", he said before placing it on another farther bench, then he walked back to me, he was sweating a lot due to playing basketball. I took a towel and stood up before holding his arm and wiping his cute sweaty emotionless face. "but Kú-tan, if you touch it with your wet hands it'll put you in danger too!", I pouted. He just nodded, "was that your phone?". I pursed my lips together before i nodded, "i guess i just threw it for your twins to catch♡ but i actually didn't know what i threw was my phone, ahahahaha~ silly me".

He held one of my hand, "let me buy another phone for you". Then i heard snickered and stiffled laughter. I smiled and intertwine my fingers with him, "thank you but it's okay, you don't have to buy it for me, save it for yourself, okay Kú-tan?". He looked at me and frown, "i don't take no as an answer". I sighed, "are you sure? But it won't be the same....since it's a gift from my papa".

"papa?", one of the teams asked.

"..........take it as a gift from me", Kuroko added lastly, "be good", he patted my head and went back to practice. Nigou came to me so i crouched down with a smile and picked him up into my arms. "nigou... Number two.... Kawaii...♡", i pressed it's paw before i kissed it's head. "i think you'll be a great mother AND a wife", Riko shouted out trying to draw out their attention and guess what, they were.. "thank you". "ne.. I heard from Kagami-kun that Kuroko-kun slept at your place awhile back... What happened? Did your mother talked about Kuroko-kun?".

My face immediately turns bright red and when she realized that she smirked, "ahaha! Something DID happened! Tell me! Tell me!". I looked away with a blush, "o-ok... My mother said something about eating him when i got older and she said about teaching me making a hot chocolate for Kú-tan when i got older after i get married with mother loves to joke around and sometimes i can't take her seriously".

After a long silence, she broke into a fit of laughter. I cocked my head to the side with a shock and confused look, 'did i say something funny?', as if she read my mind she said, "y-y buhahahahahaha! Your mother loves you too much!! ♡ you're so kawaii! No wonder your mother likes to joke around with you!!" She pat my back and i nearly fell front. She continued, "i bet your mother really likes Kuroko-kun, to say something like that, i know she wants that to happen, i bet!". I blushed even deeper, "but... But...i don't want to eat Kú-tan...i-i don't want him to dieee...".

The next thing i know, she pinched my cheeks, "d'awwwwwww (y/n)-chan's worried about Kuroko-kun~ So kawaiiiii!", she shouted, "don't worry~ what your mother meant was-!". "NOOOOOO!!! DON'T TELL (Y/N) what Kuroko said to me, to you", Kagami grinned before he continued.

"huehuehue..okay okay~ i won't tell her", she grinned in respond. I pouted and looked down to see that Nigou was sleeping cutely in my arms. I blushed and smiled, i walked backwards and grinned, "ne, I'm  gonna walk around with Nigou, call me if they're done, okay?". I walked out of the basketball gym.

Kuroko's POV
Without realizing again, i stared at her figure slowly leaving the gym, i don't want anything bad happen to her, i sighed, i have to concentrate on practicing.

[Miru's note:~ hello people!! HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LOL... okay hello~ and see you again in the next chapter]

I Love You Anyway, F*ck That Jealousy (Kuroko's love story)Where stories live. Discover now