Ch. 9

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"seems like it", kagami cuts kuroko's line. Just as he said it, he was kicked on the leg by kuroko (under the table). "b-but... She's a new student at seirin so i don't know..", Kagami looked away. You looked at kagami. "is that so? Then, do you mind transferring to my school, Kaijou high? We need a manager", he asked as he sat on the seat across from you.

"Thank you for the offer but sorry Kise-tan~ i'm already a manager in Seirin basketball club", you said hesitantly. "oh really? How shame of me~...but if you're bored you can visit my school", he smiled at you, then he leaned closer, "hei~ have i ever told you that you look cute? No? Then let me say now, you're cute-ssu", he compliments you, but you didn't feel anything at all, all you feel is empty [so meaaaan!! Poor kise~]...joke!

"thank you for the compliment, Kise-tan", you giggled cutely. He blushed in return, "a-anyway~ bye guys! Kasamatsu-senpai is waiting for me, i don't want to get kicked by him again, so see ya~!", he dashed off, away from your sight.

"sheeishh, that guy is really...playboy", kagami mumbled. You lean over to him before wiping some dirt off of his face with a tissue, "you're so funny, Kagami-tan". He blushed. You looked at the boy beside you who was deep in thought, you poked his cheeks, "is there something troubling you, Kú-tan?". He shook his head as a response. You looked at him with worried eyes.

"i should say, that fight between Shuutoku was really hard..", kagami said out of the blue. You looked at him, "shuutoku? I heard Midorima-tan's there, so how was the match? I didn't came since i was finishing some chores after the match ended between seihou and seirin". He smirked, "you should ask your boyfriend~", and again just as he said that he was kicked on the leg by Kuroko. You giggled, "Kú was the match?", you asked as you tugged his sleeve.

He looked at you, "we won..". You smiled sweetly and hugged him, "congratulations, Kú-tan~". He blushed a little."thank you, (y/n)-chan", he said.

~Time skip brought to you by smexy kuroko~

"kú-tan, can i visit your home again?", you turned your body 180゜ to look at him with hoping eyes. He nodded with a small smile after debating with himself. "good, i'll walk with you to our homes, okay~? Do you have training for today?". He nodded.

"good", you turned back again to continue writing your notes. Ever since Kise came to 'intrude' your lunch with Kuroko and Kagami, he kept silent, that seemed to bother you, big times! You were definitely concerned to his odd behaviour.


The sound of bell rang shows that it was time to go back home, you picked up your things and waited for Kuroko.

"Kú-tan, are you ready?", you asked, he nodded. And both you and him walk next to eachother. You frowned a little, 'what seems to be bothering Kú-tan actually? It's been a week already since the day Kise-tan came and talk with us in Maji burger...' you groaned a lil. The certain teal blue haired boy looked at you, concern.

"is something bothering you, (y/n)-chan?", he asked, waking you up from your dozing trance. You looked at him, still frowning a little, "no, nothing....".

Kuroko's POV

My eyes were stuck to her figure. "e-etto... Kú-tan... Can i ask you something?", she asked. I hummed as a sign for her to continue. "e-ever since Kise-tan came to Maji burger and talked to us, you... You were keeping your thoughts to yourself more than before... Please tell me, if there's something wrong? Do you not like him?".

"i do not dislike him, i just don't like him bothering you like that, my chest feels hurt", after i said that, she looked at me with wide eyes. "were you jealous?", she asked, blushing a little. Jealous? "is that what jealous feels like? If so, i don't want to feel like that again", i stated to which her blush deepens.

"souka... Y-your next match is...against Tõõ gakuen...i-it is Aomine-tan, right? Then, goodluck..", she stuttered before she did something that made me stunned, she kissed my cheek. Then she quickly walked into the gym. I was left here, standing speechless. I shook my head and walked in before going to the locker.

I Love You Anyway, F*ck That Jealousy (Kuroko's love story)Where stories live. Discover now