Ch. 44

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At the said day, you and  Akashi went to the gymnasium in Tokyo where they held a match between Shuutoku High and Senshinkan High and on the other side was Seirin High and Kirisaki Daichi High. Court 1 was Seirin against Kirisaki Daichi while Court 2 was Shuutoku against Senshinkan and it was far more obvious that your were much more interested in Seirin's play while Akashi was a bit interested in Shuutoku. Akashi trusted that you won't go to Kuroko no matter what during the warm-up nor during the tournament, so he left you alone.

[Miru's note:~ note the “a bit” part... don't miss it!!]

Just in time, you went in after a group of high-schoolers that look a bit familiar to you. You smiled cheerfully when you found out who it was.

“Kise-tan~”, you smiled as you got next to him. He quickly turned his head catching his attention, no not only him, your voice quickly catches the attention of the other boys, especially the senpai who likes you. “(y/n)!?”, his eyes widened and his cheeks quickly reddened. Kise grinned wider, “(y/n)cchi~♥”, he patted your head then looked around, “I didn't see Akashicchi here, are you alone?”.

You sweetly smiled at him before shaking your head as a no, “iie~ Akashi-tan went to watch Court 2 instead..”.

“your friend, Kise?”, one of his friends inspects you.

Kasamatsu glared at the said male, “let's find a seat”, he smiled at you but then his smile went upside down as the model-male yelled out loud inviting unwanted attention to him, “HOI!! MOMOCCHI! AOMINECCHI!!”, and just because of that the said yelling model got kicked by an annoyed Kasamatsu. “SHUT UP YOU MODEL!!!”.

You giggled at the duo.

You ended up sitting in between Kise and Kasamatsu because, Kise didn't want anyone to seat next to you while Kasamatsu just quickly took a seat while glaring at Kise.

“The match between Seirin High school and Kirisaki Daichi High school will commence!! BOW!”

“LET'S HAVE A GOOD MATCH!!”, the two line-up school yelled out loud.

Kise huffed a sigh, “hmhm~it's starting”. You nodded your head while Kasamatsu replied with his usual husky voice, “yeah”. “the winner advances to the wintercup”, you muttered to yourself, “it's one decisive game... I hope no one's getting hurt in this match”.

Kise looked at you, “you knew?”.

“I once read an article about their match in a web about Kiyoshi-senpai's leg when his team had a match against Kirisaki Daichi of the Uncrowned King”, your eyes saddened, “it must have hurt”.

“wow... (y/n)cchi kakkoi-ssu~”.

Then the game started.

Your eyes widened when they throw the ball to Kuroko. The next thing you knew, he vanished right infront of the guy who marked him as if Kuroko just went right through him, he then passed the ball to Kiyoshi who quickly made an alley-loop. You were not seating properly at all, what you saw was a cheating match made by Kirisaki Daichi players.

“yamette kudasai...”, your eyes were shaky as you watched them, you were already on the edge of your seat, chewing your bottom lips, trying your best to stop the loud cries in your mind.

“what is the referee doing?!”, Kise gritted his teeth, “he must be blind!”. Kasamatsu furrowed his brows together, “they're doing it so he can't see, in some ways, it's an impressive skill”. Hayakawa who was really pissed off, clutched his own fist with a very pissed off face, “THEYSHOULDPL(R)ACTICENOL(R)MALLYINSTEADOFIMPL(R)OVINGTHATSKILL!!!”.  Kise on the other hand agreed eventhough he didn't quite understand what the brunette said in a quick manner.

“we would be fine but this is tough for a team like Seirin that has barely enough players”, the male beside you said in a serious tone before looking at you with a worried look.

Your eyes caught something that made you even more angry, just before Kirisaki Daichi made their tenth score, the 10# player in black jabbed Kagami's chest roughly. You quickly stood on your feet when you saw Kagami was about to punch the male, that was until a certain teal-male dragged Kagami's leg upwards making Kagami fell face first.

“(y/n)cchi, please calm down..”, he placed his warm hand on your shoulder gently making you seat back. Soon enough they had a short Time-out. “I hate this... this is a really dishonest basketball!”, you huffed out a puff, your face red in anger. “c-calm down”, you felt another warm hand on your head, patting your head gently. You turned your head to the said male and smiled when you found out it was a flustered Kasamatsu.

And a flustered Kasamatsu quickly get the attention from his other friends who was seating behind him, and they were snickering which made Kasamatsu yelled at them , “SHUT UP!”. You quickly covered your ears when he yelled despite his embarrassed face.

I Love You Anyway, F*ck That Jealousy (Kuroko's love story)Where stories live. Discover now