Ch. 14

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"a-ano....(y/n)-chan... Everyone's looking..", he muttered to your ear. You pulled away and apologized to the others not knowing yourself why you were apologizing. At the least, he found it cute.

"uh? (y/n)-chan.. I wonder why were you apologizing, you did nothing wrong", he said breaking the silence. You looked at him with even brighter blush, "ah! I'm sorry for apologizing!". "(y/n)-chan, please calm down", one of your classmate soothed. "we don't mind that you are together with Kuroko-kun", she continued.

"b-but... I'm not with K-Kú-tan", you fidgetted at your place. "hm? I thought you were together...then guys?". "that's enough", Kagami suddenly appeared from the door with a frown, "you guys better stop pestering (y/n)-chan if you don't want to end up with my fist", he threatened which was sooooooo not like him and all was silent as he got in like he's the boss.

When he sat next to you, he smiled and patted your head which earn a sweet smile from you, making the blue haired male jealous.

~Time skip to the afternoon~

"it's almost time, guys are you ready?", Riko placed both her hands on her hip with a determined face, "this is our very first important match, like I've said many times three out of four will get in, and that's why we must win! Never think "I will just do better next time!" if you have that mentality then we'll lose, We must win!", she cheered, "SEIRIN!! GO!".

You went to Kuroko and smiled, "do your best on defeating Aomine-tan". He held your hand, "I promise I will win", then he jogged to the others. You followed them silently, 'Momoi-tan will be here...'.

"Tetsu-kun! Good luck!♡", you heard a voice and what you saw hurts you, It was Momoi, she was hugging Kuroko. Your eyes watered slightly. The team saw you in a broken shape, they can only cast worried glances to you, it seems that they know that you had feelings for the phantom sixth man, Kagami was glaring at the female who was hugging Kuroko then he realized, It's the girl you mentioned. "so that's Momoi...", he whispered to himself.

You went silently next to Riko and had a seat, your hair was covering your watery eyes, 'this is bad.... She likes him and he sort of .. Like her too.. No chance, I guess'. "(y/n)-chan... You okay?", another female soothing voice was heard from next to you. You quickly wiped your tears, "I-I'm Okay!", you smiled with a closed eyes smile.

The team had assembled infront of the enemy team.


"a-ano... Can i be honest here? Previously, when Kaga-tan had injured himself due to playing basketball, his injuries worsen and with that, by the looks of it.....he's still hurt but a jump will cause the injuries to striken", you said while looking at the enemy's play and the enemy made a dunk and they had 3 points.

"you mean? His first jump or..?", she asked as she eyed the enemy's move. "....first", you continued. She gasped, "i thought it was supposed to be heal!". "it was suppose to be, but.... You know Kaga-tan, sometimes his urge to play basketball is more important than his injuries", you sighed to yourself.

"damn that Bakagami! He doesn't listen!", she yelled to no one in particular.

~Another Time Skip to their loss~

Kagami was on the bench, rage was surrounding his aura and he was upset that his legs gave out to him when his team needed him the most. Aomine was already there with a no emotion after he went pass Kuroko who was still a little bit shock at their overwhelmingly loss. 'i should've followed (y/n)-chan's advice, it's all my fault!'.

"players! Line up!".


You got up from your seat and followed the other depressing males to their locker. You cast a sad smile to them. Riko said certain words to them. And sooner all of them left. Leaving you, Kagami and Kuroko. "Kuroko, there's still something wrong, he will never win always, next time, our team will pay him back tenfold!", Kagami announced before he left.

"Kú-tan", you said next to him. Just as you had a seat next to him, he hugged you, "I'm sorry I lose". You smiled and draw circles behind his back, "it's okay, atleast you all tried your best, Kaga-tan was right, eventhough Aomine-tan said that the one who can beat him is him, there will still be someone who's far more amazing can defeat him, and i believe... That you and the others will defeat all the Kiseki no sedai and be the number one in japan", you soothed. He pulled away and nodded, "thank you".

"anything for a friend...", you smiled to him, hiding the sadness in your voice, you wondered why the word 'for a friend' hurts? It's true, you liked him but you liked him a lot lately and since there's someone who can give him love other than you, you felt like giving up for now. 'a friend?..', Kuroko thought to himself before he stood up, "let's go", he took his bag and went out from the locker room. You followed him.

[Miru's note:~ I'm not sure if someone's interested on reading this story...... so..... if u readers love my stories....... DON'T FORGET TO VOTE IT AND COMMENT💖💖💖 ]

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