Ch. 47

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He rarely uses first name for calling other people and when it's about his previous comrades but calling yours were on another topic. You stayed there, hiding behind a wall, your eyes only watched their events until Kagami decided to appear. Akashi on the other hand found it annoying, so he borrowed Midorima's scissors and jabbed it to Kagami's face. It didn't hit him but the razor sharp thing grazed his cheek.

Akashi continued to talk to the boys with clearly a smirk on his face, “Since it seems like no one has forgotten our oath back then.... so it's all good, the next time we'll meet will be in battle”, he threw the scissors in the air for Midorima to catch. Midorima was actually bewildered when Akashi threw it in the air since it's not fluffy or fuzzy or wishy-wushy all that, of course it's a scissor, it's sharpness was making Midorima hesitant to take it but he caught it safely by catching the handle first.

Akashi walked away to your hiding place. You looked at him noticing a few change. “you cut your hair, Akashi-tan?”, you asked. He nodded, “it's been bothering my eyes for a moment, let's go”, he walked away and you followed him from behind.

The two of you ended up standing next to each other on the court but of course a bit further away since reporters, photographers and cameramen were standing on the side to catch their match.

The match quickly started with a tip-off and it started with Seirin's ball but it quickly got stolen by the captain of the opposing team. Then soon enough, Kuroko showed his new move which was the ignite pass kai that went straight pass Aomine who was shocked at the speed.

The game continued, occasionally you would watch the game but there are times when you had to watch Akashi's amused face. “certainly watching Seirin's match with Tetsuya playing is much more...exciting, don't you think so?”, he asked suddenly as if he knew that you were watching him in silent.

It was already the fourth quarter before you knew it and the remaining score was 68 to 75 with Tõõ on the lead, but soon enough Tõõ was 10 points ahead. Nonetheless, both team were already tired, both teams mostly relied on their aces. Kuroko decided to ask Kiyoshi and Kagami to triple-team against Aomine when he took the ball to shot.


It didn't get in, surprising his teammates, hence surprising the audience.

“impossible..”, you heard Akashi muttered. “anything is possible, Akashi-tan....soon enough this will be an interesting match”, you smiled to yourself. He smirked at you, “wanna bet, who's the winner? Well you definitely would choose Tetsuya, so I'm betting for Daiki”, he looked back at the match, “so, (y/n).... if I win, I'll tell you later, but there's no way you'll win since I am absolute, still I wish to know what you want if win”.

“I'll tell you later too!”, you grinned up at him. He scoffed, “I certainly could not read you at times”, he muttered under his breath, making sure you didn't hear it. Guess what? The clueless you didn't notice it at all!

“ interesting, do you”.

You smiled cutely.

'I cannot read you, (y/n)', he thought to himself before staring back at the match and something caught his eyes, the way Aomine run and score a shot with an alley-oop, and this made Akashi grinned, “this is..Daiki's true form, you are right (y/n)... This might be a more interesting match after all...don't forget our bet (y/n)”. You puffed out your cheek, “don't assume you'll win Akashi-tan, the match's not over yet”.

“hmhm! Overflowing with confidence eh?”. Then Kagami decide to go one-on-one with the “zone Aomine”, as if he was trying to kill himself by standing infront of a starving beast. “well usually in order to beat a zoned person, they have to be in zone as well... I say Kaga-tan can do it, I know him”, you smiled to yourself. “Taiga? In a zone? That's clearly impossible”, he chuckled.

Just then something caught your eye. Kuroko was running to catch the ball before it was out of bounds. You yelled out, “Kú-tan!”, just as he slammed the ball back in, he rolled out from the line, slamming himself to the blue cushioned wall. Akashi was holding you back with one of his arm. “l-let me go!”, you struggled but Akashi was much more stronger than you. “calm down, he's fine”. When he saw your calmed face, he slowly let you go, to continue watch the match.

Aomine was about to pass Kagami, when suddenly the glint in Kagami eyes went in fire, he stole the ball from the 'zoned-Aomine' and became one itself. The ball went out of bounds.

Akashi's eyes widened it shock, “masaka..”. “I guess, there's always a turn of event in life, ne Akashi-tan~”, you peered at him with your sweet smile. Soon enough the match was between both zoned ace, none can catch up to either both ace.

'because they are both in the zone, their focus and reaction speed exceeded their maximums', Akashi thought to himself. “neither of them are making any sort of progress's obvious who's the strongest”, you muttered to yourself with your unusual speculating eyes. The sparks the two aces sent flying captivating not only the players, yet the audience themselves, shocked at how amazing and eye-catching the current match in the last few seconds was.

Seconds later, Kagami proved that he was much stronger than Aomine when he ankle-breaks him before he could even score, shocking the dark blue haired male.

“their defense is good”, Akashi smirked after seeing Seirin's defense on the last few seconds. “they changed a lot..”, you smiled to yourself.

5 seconds left and Seirin had a free throw due to defensive pushing made by Aomine. “they are too tired to go for an overtime if their marks are tied..”, you let out a small sigh, “unless.....”. “unless, they decide to miss the throw.. then rebound it is”, he replied back to your unfinished words.

The battle for the rebound complied but right before Kagami shot the ball in, Aomine quickly slammed the ball for his team mates to catch and score the ball, but Kuroko was the first one to caught the ball since he already went running across the court since he trusted that Aomine would've done that in the first place and he also trusted that Kagami would do that. Kuroko slammed the ball that was flying in the air only for Kagami to catch and score the shot before the buzzer went off.

For a brief moment, the whole court was silence, including the players and their coach, surprised that Seirin's ace had defeated Kiseki no sedai's ace who was undefeatable until now. Then they cheered out loud. You smiled to the Seirin players, happy that they won, then turned your head to a pissed looking Akashi.

“Seirin won, Akashi-tan~ don't forget the bet~”, you smiled sweetly at him while he let out an annoyed sigh. You looked back at the court seeing that Kuroko nearly passed out, 'Kú-tan...omedetto'.

“let's go, (y/n)”, he said with his usual serious voice. You giggled, “hai~ hai~”.

I Love You Anyway, F*ck That Jealousy (Kuroko's love story)Where stories live. Discover now