Ch. 48

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He sighed, “now that you won your bet, what do you wish for (y/n)”. You went next to him with a smile, “2 things~”. “what is it?”, he asked. “Can I call you Aka-tan?”, you smiled up to him, he spared a glance at you. “not you too”, he facepalmed, “Atsushi calls me that”. You hummed in response, “then???”. “just call me Seijuro”, he muttered.

“hm”, you hummed again before smiling, “then Seiju-tan it is”, you cheered. He nodded his head, “what's the second one?”. You pursed your lips while thinking, “aha~ I haven't thought of it”, you replied in a clumsy manner.

He looked at you, 'you know you shouldn't be too cute (y/n), you're lucky that you are Kuroko's girlfriend... if you weren't his, I would've made you mine', he then looked away with his usual serious plus poker-face, “tomorrow it's Rakuzan's match, do you wish to follow me and watch?”.

You nodded to him with a smile, “sure, you always win every match which makes me want to analyze your play”. “analyze it how you want, (y/n)... let's go back to the hotel”, he replied before entering his limou with you following him from behind.

The next day~

Both team assembled, as you silently sat on the bench next to the coach and the manager. Akashi was seating on the bench since he knew that the opposing team weren't stronger than them. You watched the opposing team, surely it was stronger but you doubt that they were any stronger than Rakuzan. As you spend your time with his team mates, you later found out that three of the Uncrowned Kings were in Rakuzan. Hayama Kotaro was the Thunder Beast, Mibuchi Reo was the Night Demon and Nebuya Eikichi was the Herculean Strength. It surprised you at first, thinking that they were mean like Hanamiya was, but they were much kind than the Bad Boy, alas you still think that Kiyoshi was more friendlier and very optimistic every time.

The match started, and you weren't surprised that Nebuya caught the ball after the tip off and passed it to Hayama who dribble it fast as lightning before passing the ball to Nebuya back again hence jamming the ball to the hook with his strength, shocking the opposing team of course.

The match continued until it ended, with of course Rakuzan on the lead with their humongous score against the opposing team, completely crushing them. Akashi went to your side, “did you get to analyze anything? But you'll have to analyze my play next time”, he smirked. “yes I did, Seiju-tan~ but that's okay.. atleast seeing Hayama-tan and the others were also entertaining”, you

“tomorrow... it'll probably a match between Seirin and Nakamiya South High”, he said before he drank a bottle of water despite not playing in the game, “I don't think it be much fun to watch, let's not watch, against simple opponent I doubt Kuroko would lose”, he said before he walked to the locker room, you went next to him while his other team mates followed him from behind.

You looked at the schedule fo all competitors, 'Once Seirin win against Nakamiya South High, they will have a match... probably with....Kogomo North High..... then soon enough they'll enter quarter-finals...probably against Yosen..', you sighed to yourself. “ne ne (y/n)-chan, why are you sighing on your own? Let's go back to the hotel to rest~ I'm tired already”, Hayama wrapped one of his arms along your neck. You nodded your head with your usual sweet smile.

“Hayama, stop doing that, you'll end up making her even shorter than she is right now”, Mayuzumi frowned slightly. You frowned back at him, “you're insulting me, Mayuzumi-tan”. “oi Mayuzumi, stop insulting her before Akashi murders you”, Nebuya joked with a small snicker.

“I'm hungry, should we go for a pit-stop before we head back to the hotel?”, Mibuchi patted his stomach indicating he was hungry. “where exactly do you want to eat, Mibuchi?”, the gray-haired male asked with a visible bored look. Mibuchi smirked, “okonomiyaki of course, ne (y/n)-chan you know where it is right? Lead us the way~”, he pulled you from both Mayuzumi and Hayama's hold.

“ahem... exactly where are you taking (y/n) to?”, another voice rang from behind the team, it was non other than Akashi, who was crossing his arms across his chest. “oh Sei-chan~”, Mibuchi smiled, “we're hungry and (y/n) here is goin to lead us to the infamous okonomiyaki! I heard it's one of the best in Tokyo!”.

Akashi looked at you before looking at the raven male, “going there by foot?”. “Seiju-tan, are you hungry?”, you looked at him with a smile. He walked over to you, “iie-”, he answers but his stomach fails under his commands, it was certainly growling.

“ne ne Akashi~~ I heard when the meat touched the metal pan, the sound of sizzles were deliciously spreading to the ears and the aroma of the food, hmmm~~~~ sugoii na~~”, Hayama provoked the poor boy, making his stomach dances with growl. “fine! I'll go with you”, he glared at Hayama who was only stiffling his laughter. 

Akashi then cleared his throat before looking at you, “going by foot?”. You smiled up at him, “hai!”.

You also found out that, Akashi was actually not that scary when you learn more about him, it was only because of his heterochromatic eyes that made he seemed more scary and menacing, oh and also the fact that he declare himself as the emperor and absolute all the time. Not to mention, he is a shogi-nerd who hates losing after you and you find that part of him, Childish. You reminded of yourself when Kuroko got jealous everytime you hung out with Kagami, the face he made was so cute and very childish. You smiled to yourself, holding down the tears that were swelling in your eyes.

“oi oi, did you just made (y/n)-chan cry Akashi?”, Hayama furrowed his brows together, quickly catching your attention after the short daze. “eh?? iia iia”, you quickly shook your hand as a no and blinked your tears away, “a mosquito got in my eyes”.


“ah right! Okonomiyaki is right ahead of us, all we have to do is go there straight right after the traffic light”, you smiled to the boys. “silly girl”, Mayuzumi patted your head with his rare smile, “what's with the mosquito?”.

You shook your head with an unsatisfied look, “there was a mosquito! It was reaaalllyy reeaaalllyyy tiny”, you didn't gave up on your accusation. “hai hai~”. “ne ne (y/n)-chan doesn't all mosquito..well y'know~ tiny?”, Hayama piped up with his usual fang-grin. You pouted, “y-yes”. “c'mon now, stop pestering (y/n)”, the red-haired male frowned to the boys. “hai hai Akashi/Sei-chan~”, they all replied.

Minutes later, all of you arrived at the okonomiyaki.

“woaahh!!! I can smell the food right from here!!”, Hayama grinned ear-to-ear as he sniffed the food in the air, “let's get in!!”. He excitedly slid the door open and went in, then Akashi, then you then the others.


You heard someone calling out to your name, a familiar voice. Your eyes searched for the said voice and saw...

I Love You Anyway, F*ck That Jealousy (Kuroko's love story)Where stories live. Discover now