Ch. 17

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You giggled slightly and stood next to Kagami who was cocking an eyebrow at him. "due to some stuff, I was in the hospital last year's summer and was resting due to rehab after an operation... I am Kiyoshi Teppei, height 193cm, weight 81Kg, and my position is center, howdy~". You were still staring at the male who just got out from the hospital, wearing funny shoes who thinks he's cool. Momoi then went to you, "I know you~ during Teiko, you were there watching us". You gulped and took a step back while all the colour from your face was drained, "h-hai..".

"hm?"-Kiyoshi hmmed.

"why are you here?", she continued to ask, "I don't think you belong here". You looked down with tears flowing from your face, "g-gomen!", you bow your head and ran out from the gym, you felt hurt hearing those words, i told you! you were bullied during school time and she was one of those bullies, yes eventhough she doesn't seem like it because she looks like an angel but don't judge a book by it's cover, you wouldn't know that inside someone they are the most violent person and no, I'm not making you guys hate Momoi but truth be told, you were scared of her.

"who was that?", Kiyoshi asked as he looked at the gym door which was closing. "Kagami-kun, run after her! Hurry up!", Riko yelled with a worried face, "she's (y/n), the team's manager, and you! Tõõ basketball's team manager! Leave! You are not allowed here anymore!!...... I SAID LEAVE!!!", she continued to yell at her. "she's a manager, hunh? Who would've thought~ tootles Tetsu-kun♡", and after she said that she left.

"Kuroko-kun! Why did you let her say that to (y/n)-chan!?", she shook his body. Kuroko was left speechless and shock, 'oh no..what did i just do..?'. She let go of him after letting out a frustrated sigh, "damn it!". Kiyoshi cocked an eyebrow, "what's going on actually?". Riko flopped down on one of the bench and intertwined her hands together, "(y/n)-chan is really precious to us. We love her a lot! I never wanted to see her crying face but now this happened all because of that girl started to hug him during their first match! Damn it! (y/n)-chan is just too sweet to cry!", she yelled frustratedly. Everyone were staring at her shaky form. "all because of your fault, Kuroko-kun! If you had paid attention to her than to that sloppy girl, this wouldn't happen! For all i thought everything was going back to normal!", she continued to blame him. Kuroko was frowning to himself.

While with you~~~

"Please (y/n)-chan! Stop running!", he yelled from behind you, you ran away while covering your crying face. When he caught up to you, he held you and wrapped a brotherly hug to your shaking and crying form. He sighed and stroked your hair gently, "shhhh.... Stop crying... Don't let her words grasp you". "I CAN'T!", you sobbed through his chest. "what do you mean you can't?", he asked with a tone of curiosity.

"sh-she...bullied me when I was still in Teiko... That was the reason why I-I hid myself from her... I-in fact, she was one of the bullies", you sobbed. 'Momoi is a bully? She doesn't look like one...why was she bullied? If I remembered, Kuroko had mention to me that he saw her always alone every time during middle school', he sighed and patted your head, calming you from your crying fit, 'she has a hard life, how could she even goes to school like that?'. "'s okay, I'm here, i won't let anyone dare to hurt you!", he vowed.

You pushed him away slightly to breath, you smiled up at him after wiping the tears that had escape from your eyes, "thank you Kaga-tan". "come on, let's head back to the gym, wait before that, do you want some ice-cream? I saw an ice-cream stall while you were running", he smiled. You nodded with your cute smile. He held your hand and brought you to the stall.

"two (favorite/flavour) ice-cream please", Kagami handed the money and the oldman incharge, made two scoops of ice-cream and handed to the both of you, "here". "thank you, ji-ji", he handed the ice-cream to you with a smile on his face. "thank you, Kaga-tan", you thanked him for the nth time. After that, the two of you went into the gym by the door, right after he went in, the others gasped and Riko stomped your way to hug you without hitting the ice-cream of course.

"(y/n)-chan, are you okay? How are you feeling??", she asked, worried was laced through her voice. You smiled, "Thanks to Kaga-tan and this ice-cream, I'm okay". "(y/n)-chan..", another voice called from your side but further away, "I-I'm sorry... I broke my promise with your mother... I didn't know she's--". You smiled at him, "I-I don't long as you're happy with her so I'm happy... Besides... Promises were meant to be broken, right?", you said before you looked away and went to the bench to have a seat and enjoy the ice-cream with joy~

While you were enjoying yourself with ice-cream someone sat beside you, you look up to see the senpai who got back from the hospital. "yo". "hello", you greeted back with a smile. "so you're our manager? That's good... I could see problems when your eyes met mine when i first came here", he said simply. You licked the ice-cream, "I don't know what you're talking about, Kiyoshi-senpai".

He sighed and placed his big hand ontop of your head and stared directly into your eyes, "tell me, (y/n) come the coach loves you too much". You blushed at the closeness, you were still holding the ice-cream near to your lips so you decided to dirty his lips with the other side of the ice-cream making him jolt away. "cold! Cold! Cold!....but delicious!".

"you're really playful and cute, I think I like you too", he announced like it was nothing. You continued devouring the ice-cream while you watched Kiyoshi challenging Kagami one-on-one, betting on who will name as the ace for the team.

I Love You Anyway, F*ck That Jealousy (Kuroko's love story)Where stories live. Discover now