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Your POV
Me and Alex said nothing more about Jonathan. We didn't speak to each other. The room just fell silent and we became anti social. I was scrolling through Instagram when the doorbell rang, meaning Jonathan was here.

"I'll get.."

"I'll get it." Alex interrupted, already getting up and walking towards the front door.

I heard the front door open and I begun to feel very anxious. My heart started racing and skipped a few beats. I haven't seen Jonathan in ages, years.

"Y/n, where's my phone?" Alex shouted, entering the room along with Jonathan next to him.

My eyes immediately drew to Jonathan and I looked him up and down. He looked exactly the same; just a little more cuter, well, hotter. He was about my height, just a little taller. His messy, but neatly organised messy, blonde hair fell to the side perfectly. His ocean, blue eyes glistened and twinkled which made my heart skip a few beats. You could get lost in his eyes.

"Y/n? Where's my phone?" Alex asked again, which broke my thoughts and took me back into reality.

"On the kitchen table." I said and stood up.

Alex left the room and walked into the kitchen, which left me and Jonathan alone. I approached Jonathan confidently; even though I didn't feel confident. Jonathan smiled at me; his perfect in lined together teeth shined.

"Hi, it's good to see you again." I smiled at Jonathan.

"You too. Um, you look really nice by the way." Jonathan smiled back.

My smile grew a little bigger and I blushed. "Thank you."

"Alright. We'll see you later sis." Alex interrupted.

"See you around." Jonathan quickly said as Alex pulled him along.

"Bye!" I called out.

Jonathan's POV
"Just stop dude." Alex sharply said.

"What? Stop what?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Trying to pull my sister. She's got a boyfriend already." Alex rolled his eyes.

"What?" I turned my head sharply to Alex; almost giving myself whiplash. Did he just say she's already got a boyfriend?

"Yeah. You heard me. She's  got a boyfriend. His names Jason."

"How come you've never said anything about it?" I questioned. I would've thought Alex would've told me about this. But he hadn't?

"I didn't think I needed to. I didn't think you liked her and she's only been dating him for a month. Did you lie to me? About liking my sister?"

"What? No.. I only like her as a friend." I nervously spoke. My stomach was turning a little at the thought of how pissed Alex would be if he found out I was lying to him.

Alex didn't say anything. He just continued to walk. I shrugged it off; trying to forget about the conversation.

"I need a favour. Tomorrow, since my sister will be new to our university, I need you to help me out with her. For example, if she can't find her class. Help her. But that doesn't mean get flirty and try to pull her. Otherwise, I will hurt you. Got it?" Alex sternly said as we slowly walked back to his.

You would think Alex was just joking about hurting me (like most friends would joke about) but if I tried to be flirty or jokey with y/n, he really would hurt me.

I really wish I could tell y/n how I felt about her. But it's not that easy. I have her brother - also known as my best friend - to think about who's very protective. But not only that, apparently she now has a boyfriend.

A/N: Sorry for not updating in a few days. I've been busy with school. But thanks for reading! Next chapter is coming soon!

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