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Your POV
I was sat in my room watching and texting Jonathan about our sneaking out plan. The time was now 11:20pm and my parents were asleep. However, Alex, I wasn't sure about - he stays up quite late sometimes, sometimes even past midnight - so this may be even more difficult. But I know it's going to be worth it.

The time was now midnight. I grabbed my trainers and quickly put them on and grabbed my phone and a hoodie. Stealthily and quietly I opened my bedroom door. The hallway was quiet and I could hear the faint snores from Alex's room. Thank god. I closed the door behind me and crept downstairs. I grabbed the keys from the side and unlocked the door then locked it behind me once I was out.

I started to walk down the street and couldn't have felt more relieved. I wiped my brow that had a bit of sweat on it and sighed in relief. I've done it.

Jonathan's POV
Luckily, my parents are quiet heavy sleepers. I grabbed my phone, shoes, and a jumper and hurried downstairs quietly. I took the front door keys and unlocked it, then locked it back up once I was outside.

Me and y/n had decided to meet each other at the part which is about five minutes away from my house.

Your POV
I reached the park and sat down on the grass with my back against a tree trunk. Relief was traveling over my body. Only, I still later, had to get back inside without Alex knowing.

"Y/n!" A familiar voice whisper called me from in front of me.

My head perked up and I saw Jon running towards me. I stood up and opened my arms to connect in a hug. Jon reached me and ran straight into me with a tight hug; wrapping his arms tightly around me. The sudden impact of him made me wobbly on my feet and I fell back; Jonathan falling with me. I fell backwards onto the grass with Jonathan lying on top of me. Jon lifted his head up; he seemed a little embarrassed at the situation.

"I'm sorry." Jon said, beginning to get up off me.

I grabbed Jon's hands and pulled him back down. He was smiling, letting his pearly teeth show.

"It's fine Jon. You're so cute." I giggled and pressed my lips against Jon's lips.

The kiss was slow, but meaningful. Our lips moved in sync making it more passionate. The kiss started to get a little more heated as our tongues explored each other's mouth. Without breaking the kiss, Jon got off me and sat cross legged. He picked me up a little and carefully placed me over his lap. I wrapped my legs around his waist so I was now straddling him. We continued to kiss until we broke it and were both gasping for air.

Jonathan's POV
"Fuck, I love you." I said breathlessly.

Part of me regretted saying that. But it's true, I do love y/n. I really do.

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