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Jonathan's POV
Y/n looked down to the ground. A little sadness looked as if it was crossing her mind. I felt bad for not telling y/n. But I didn't want her to worry about me.

"Hey." I said in a happier tone and gently cupped my hand over one of y/n's pink cheeks. "Don't worry. Everything's fine. Let's just enjoy our time together since we don't really get too."

Y/n rested her head into my hand and smiled. "That's a good idea."

"Ice cream?" I laughed; noticing the bright and colourful ice cream van that had just pulled up in the street next to the park.

Y/n giggled. "Sure."

I took y/n's hand and pulled her up; guiding her to the ice cream van.

Me and y/n continued to stroll down the park enjoying our time together. Y/n licked her ice cream and giggled as she got some on her nose.

"Need a tissue?" I asked; admiring the cuteness of y/n.

"Yes please." She giggled with a little bit of embarrassment.

"You're so cute." I said, smiling at y/n and handing her a tissue.

Y/n wiped away the ice cream from her nose and stuffed the tissue into her hoodie pocket. "You're cute as well." She smiled back at me.

I laughed a little and wrapped my arm around y/n's shoulder and pulled her close to my chest.

"I wish you were mine." I quietly whispered to myself.

Y/n's head slightly moved away from my chest and she looked up at me. "Me too." She quietly spoke, her eyes glistened at me with pure emotion.

I pulled y/n in once again and placed my lips against y/n's soft lips. Our lips moved in sync and the thought of the kiss being wrong; because Alex wouldn't allow it, was quickly overpowered by the feeling of enjoyment and passion.

Your POV
I pulled away, gasping for air. I hated the fact Alex was so over protective over me, and that he doesn't see how much me and Jonathan love each other. It made me hate Alex for it.

"You alright babe?" Jon asked which interrupted my thoughts and brought me back to reality.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. I guess. I just don't like keeping this from Alex. I want him to see how much me and you want to be together." I admitted; frustration and annoyance in my tone.

"Me too. But don't worry, one day he'll see. One day, we'll be official and we won't have to hide our friendship and feelings away. I promise." Jon replied with a reassuring smile and a comforting hug.

A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating in ages. I've been a little busy and just haven't had the motivation or ideas to write. My apologies, but I will try and update more since I'll have two weeks off school soon! :)

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