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Your POV
We arrived at the shop and went upstairs to where all the clothes and movies were.

"I'll go pick us a movie for tonight, yeah?" Jonathan asked, a bright smile spreading across his face.

I smiled and nodded. "Alright." I said, going back to admiring the pretty clothes they had on display.

Jonathan's POV
I walked over to where all the movies were, the shelves were coated in different movies and genres. Picking the right one would be difficult. I peered down and looked at one that was taking my interest.

"She likes action movies best." A voice behind me said. I immediately stood up, turning around and drawing my attention to the person who spoke.

My eyes widened then soon narrowed as I saw his face. Anger pounded through my chest like a bullet. "What are you doing here I said?" The words just spilling out of my mouth without hesitation.

"Don't get in a stress. I'm not stalking you or your girlfriend. I'm just doing what everyone's doing. Shopping." He replied, his undertone being sarcastic and jokey.

"You're just as paranoid as y/n. You know that right? Scared that I might do something?" He chuckled.

I grabbed the collar of his top and dragged him over to an area no one was. "You listen here, Jason. Leave me and my girlfriend alone. Stop pestering her and whispering sweet nothing's in her ear whenever you see her. She isn't interested in you anymore." I angrily said, droppings Jason's collar out off my hand.

I looked him the eyes with pure anger and meaning before turning around and walking off back towards y/n.

"Hey babe. Did you pick a film?" Y/n asked with a happy smile plastered across her lips.

"Er- no. I didn't. Let's just get some snacks and get out of here." I awkwardly said and put my arm around y/n's back.

Y/n looked up at me with a raised brow, she was confused and wanted to know about my sudden actions.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Look, I'll explain letter. Let's just quickly grab some snacks."

Me and y/n jumped into my car and put the snacks in the back seat. I started the car and pulled out of the car park.

"Are you going to explain what happened in there?" Y/n sternly asked.

I gripped my mouth together and looked out at the road.

"Jonathan. Don't avoid my question. I know something happened in there, and I want to know."

I flashed y/n a look before looking forward back at the road again. "I saw Jason." I quietly said, sighing.

"Did you guys talk? Did he threaten you?" Y/n asked worriedly, her undertone becoming uneasy.

"Baby girl don't panic yourself. He didn't threaten me. I'm all good. I just told him to stay away from me and you. And to stop pestering you. We both don't need it, especially you."

The car went silent and I looked back over at y/n who was slightly smiling at me.

"Thank you Jonathan. Thank you for standing up for me, for protecting me. Everything. I love you so much."

My worried look soon wiped away from my face and turned into a smile.

"I love you too and you know I'll do anything to protect you." I replied.

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