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Your POV
"But you wouldn't loose me for Jonathan. And you know that. We both know that. Alex, you're my brother. We stick together." I assured Alex.

A little smile formed on Alex's lips and he looked up at me. "Thanks sis."

"Your welcome. But does this mean me and Jon can go out now..?" I asked a little hesitatingly.

"Sis, I don't want you going out with him."

"What?" I raised my brows in slight annoyance. "Alex, we just went through this. Why are you so against it?" I raised my voice; my tone becoming more angry and fierce.

Alex looked down almost clueless of what to say. "Y- You only just broke up with Jason. You need to give him time." Alex quickly finished.

"What? No. Jason was an asshole. He didn't love me, that's why he hit and threatened me. He threatened Jonathan as well!" I raised my voice at Alex and the thought of Jason.

I stood up; pushing my chair roughly against the wooden floor, a scrapping noise following it. I then left the kitchen and went towards my bedroom.

Jonathan's POV
I sat down on the sofa and grabbed the remote. As I scrolled through the tv channels, I saw nothing that caught my eye.

Suddenly, I heard my phone beep; signalising I had a new message. I leaped up and hurried towards my phone that was left on the side. The message was from y/n. Reading,

Y/n: Hey, can we meet today? I don't care if Alex finds out. I just wanna see you. Park? 11:30? x

The message confused me a little. I thought Alex didn't want me and y/n with each other? Is he fine with it now? I shrugged it off for the moment and left the living room in a hurry to get ready.

I turned the corner to the park but saw no sign of y/n. Maybe she wasn't here yet and was running a little late. I sat down under one of the tallest trees in the park; it covered part of the park up with a massive shadow, making it feel more hidden and secure.

"Well look who it is. It's Jon, the tough guy." A familiar voice said in a grating tone from behind me. The voice was followed by a gang of laughter.

My eyebrows furrowed with immediate annoyance. As I turned around to finally face the asshole, the sudden blur of a hand came straight at me, hitting me straight in the face; causing an immediate tingle in the side of my right cheek.

"That's for stealing my girl. And this, this is for pushing me down the other day, when you were trying to defend my girlfriend." Jason growled; slapping me across the face once more. The tingle had gone and it had now turned numb.

I lightly placed my hand over my numb cheek and looked at Jason; my anger traveling all over my body.

"She's not your girl. You didn't love her. That's why you hit and threatened her." I finally spoke; defending for myself. "And you think two slaps is going to intimidate me? I'm not weak."

"Would you listen to this guy?" Jason laughed, while his gang joined in with the laughter. "I'm not trying to intimidate you. I'm just..."

"Up yours Jason." I angrily interrupted and pushed past Jason and his some what friends.

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