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Your POV
After the little incident I had this morning me and Jonathan went back to bed and then got up to have a shower.

"I'm going to have a shower." I said as I got up, grabbing some towels and clothes to wear for the day.

"Can I join this time?" He laughed, his eyes looking at me with hope.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms against my chest. "Please." Jonathan begged, stretching the 'e' out.

I sighed with a slight giggle following my sigh. "Fine. I don't want to be in there for too long though."

Jonathan got up and approached me. He stood in front of me and put his hands on my waist. "You know babe, if I join you, we'll be in there for longer." He smirked and winked, biting his bottom lip; which instantly turned me on.

My knees felt a little weak because of the hot things Jon was putting me through. And my mouth was slightly ajar in shock, "Jonathan! You dirty boy!" I said, giggling.

"You love it baby." He smiled.

"Whatever." I said, rolling my eyes. "Just get undressed and join me."

After me and Jonathan had finished up in the shower and had got dressed we decided to go out to the shops to grab some food for his house; he had his own house.

"I'm surprised Alex hasn't messaged me. Asking where you are or having a go at me." Jonathan said, wrapping his arm around my waist as we walked towards his car.

I sighed as I remembered what happened between me and Alex the other day. "He won't. I talked to him the other day. I told him he needed to stop and that me and you love each other. I'm not going back to his until he apologises and accepts our relationship." I finished and got into the car with Jonathan.

"Speaking off our relationship." Jonathan started. "We aren't even going out."

I looked out Jonathan in confusion, a frown forming on my face. "What? Even though we act like a couple and have had sex at least two or three times?"

"No." Jon chuckled at my comment. "I never asked you out, we've just been acting like a couple because we love each other. We've been friends with benefits all this time."

I shook my head and laughed. I never thought I'd ever have a friend with benefits. "Well, do you want to be more?" I asked.

Jonathan sat down in the car with his mouth ajar slightly. "Is that a stupid question? Of course I want to be more babe."

I looked over to Jonathan, biting my lip slightly. "Well, ask me out then babe."

Jonathan smirked and cleared his throat, "Y/n, you mean so much to me and I don't know what I'd do without you. I've been in love with you for ages and couldn't help but want you. You make me so happy and I never want to loose you. I love you, so will you go out with me?"

"That's beautiful Jon. And of course I'll go out with you." I smiled and rested my hand on Jonathan's thigh.

A massive smile begun to spread over Jonathan's face and he looked so happy. His gorgeous ocean eyes looked down at my hand that was resting on his thigh, his eyes were glistening with happiness and joy. I truly loved seeing him like this.

Jonathan then looked back up at me and smirked, "I would love to make out with you right now since I'm so happy and you make me so happy, but we can't as we're in the car." Jonathan rolled his eyes and laughed, his eyes following my every movement.

"Be patient babe. We'll be home soon." I giggled.

A/N: I literally quickly read and skimmed through this whole story and realised the reader and Jonathan weren't even going out. - At least I'm pretty sure they weren't. - Oops. So I decided to put that in now.😅 I apologise. Thanks for reading! :)

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