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Your POV
"Well? Who are they from?" Alex sternly asked.

I stood still frozen, unable to speak, fearing that Alex would be extremely mad at me and Jonathan.

"Jonathan. They were from my best friend Jonathan. Weren't they?" Alex answered for me; his tone had become less stern. It didn't sound surprised.

I hung my head down low and stared down at the ground, letting out a stressed sigh. I slowly lifted my head back up and broke the ice in my jaw.

"Why do you care so much? What if they were from Jonathan? He's not doing anything wrong." I firmly replied; getting more annoyed at Alex as every second went past.

Alex stared at me; his eyes shown shock and disbelief - I had never really stood up for myself before. - But this was different. I wanted to protect the feelings me and Jonathan had for each other. I don't want anyone involved or getting involved. Including my brother.

Alex's mouth had dropped open a little - It was slightly ajar. - The room fell upon a cursing silence and nothing could be heard.

"You can't date my best friend. That's just not right. I won't allow it. You- You deserve better." Alex finally spoke; he seemed uncertain in his answer.

Now it was my turn to look shocked. My mouth had become ajar and my eyes stared at Alex with pure anger. How could he say that? How could he say that about his best friend? I just didn't understand it.

"You don't need him. You have Jason. Jason's better for you. He'll treat you r-"

"Don't you ever say his name!" I interrupted Alex; yelling out my building up anger and annoyance. "You have no idea. Jason is not better for me in any way, shape or form. He, in fact, is the worst for me. I don't need Jason. I need Jonathan. Jon will treat me right, he'll protect and take good care of me. Jason won't. Why can't you see that?" I angrily spoke; my tone full of rising annoyance.

"What?" Alex hesitatingly asked; unsure of what I meant. "What do you mean by, 'I have no idea'?"

"Alex you just don't understand. You don't think about other people's feelings. Only yours. The only reason you wanted me to date Jason, is so that you could hang out with him and become more popular. Alex, I'm not stupid."

"Fine, alright. Maybe I did want you guys to date for that reason. But I don't want you dating Jonathan."

"Why? What's wrong with that? We both have strong feelings towards each other. Why can't we express those feelings in a relationship? What's so wrong about it? Why can't you just see that he's right for me? We're right for each other. He'll protect and care for me." I said; a single tear falling down my face, full of frustration and sadness.

Alex closed his eyes for a few seconds and breathed out frustratedly. "Because.. "

A/N: This chapter is meant to be left opened ended. I'm leaving for school in a bit. So that's why the chapter is short. I do apologise. But I hope you guys have been enjoying the story so far. :)

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