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Jonathan's POV
Alex stood there silently. Anger and rage being his only visible emotion.

"Jonathan. Why are you with my sister!" Alex said and raised his voice.

Alex's rising voice alarmed y/n and made her wake up. She sat up and looked at Alex then back at me worriedly.

"Y/n! Get over here! Now!" Alex demanded.

Y/n hadn't really any idea what was going on but she did as her brother said and ran towards him in fear.

"I told you Jon. Don't try anything with her." Alex said and sternly pointed at me. "Stay away from her."

"But Al - "

"No y/n. Let's just go." Alex said firmly.

And just like that, they were gone; Alex slammed the door behind him; he was pissed. I felt like my feelings had all crumbled at once. I've probably just lost my best friend, and he's now going to be watching me like a hawk - to make sure I don't go near y/n; meaning I won't have a chance with her anymore. - I really do hate Alex right now.

I lifted my head off my pillow and let out a little sigh. Today was going to be awful. I just knew it.

I entered the doors to my university and went straight to my locker where I threw some of my bits in there. I then shut my locker door and turned around to walk to first lesson when I stopped in my tracks. A little further down the hall I saw y/n looking at me. Her eyes seemed dull and her figure seemed emotionless. I gave y/n a weak smile but she didn't smile back. Y/n looked down and walked off.

I hung my head down and sighed in frustration and sadness. My chances have probably all gone. Alex will never let me. I need to face that..

Your POV
I strolled down the corridor towards my next class when I saw Jason standing opposite my classroom door. My anxiety brewed up and I felt scared and panicked.

"Hey bitch. How's Jonathan?" Jason laughed evilly.

I stopped in my tracks and lifted my eyes slowly up at Jason. My anxiety was soon replaced with the overpowering emotion of anger and fury.

"You told Alex. Didn't you? You told Alex I was with Jonathan yesterday. You're an asshole. You've ruined everything! I had a chance with Jon, and it's now gone because of you! My some what of a brother, is now making sure me and Jonathan don't talk or even go near each other. Don't you see what you've done?" I practically yelled at Jason in fury.

"Life hurts. Get used to it. Why do you like Jon anyway? He's a wimp."

"No he's not. That's why he punched you without hesitation."

"Oi!" Jason yelled. Jason approached me and clutched my jaw with his right hand. "I told you not to tell anyone or bring that up."

I pushed his hand off my chin and hurried into my class before he could grab me again.

Jonathan's POV
The day had finally ended and I was just quickly walking to my lockers to grab some stuff and then leave. The hallways were empty as everyone had already left and it was quiet.

"Jon!" A voice called out to me in a whisper yell.

My attention immediately drew to where the voice called my name; I recognised the soft whisper to be y/n.

"Y/n!" I smiled.

Y/n ran up to me and gave me a quick and tight hug. "I know we shouldn't be doing this. Alex warned us both. But I couldn't go a whole day without saying anything to you."

A little smile grew on my face and I felt my cheeks blush a little. "That's cute. But I don't like what Alex is doing. I hate it. I can't cope with knowing the fact that we both like each other but we aren't doing anything about it. I really like you."

Y/n lightly smiled but it quickly faded. "I really like you too Jon. But we can't, because of Alex."

"What if we kept it a secret?" I asked in a hopeful tone.

"That would be nice. But Alex isn't dumb. He'll catch on sooner or later. It's too risky." Y/n said; her voice sounded a little broken and had an undertone of sadness. "How about we meet tonight? We'll sneak out of our houses when everyone's asleep. At midnight?"

My head perked up and I looked into y/n's gorgeous eyes that were now filled with a glisten of hope. "Yes, I want too. Midnight it is."

"Alright. I've got to go now, but I'll catch you later tonight handsome." Y/n smirked and left.

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