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Jonathan's POV
I've got one more lesson left of the day and I haven't seen Alex around since this morning. I'm not really complaining; he's been annoying me lately.

I closed my blue locker door and started to lock it back up when I felt a light tap on my left shoulder. I turned around to see y/n standing behind me with a little smile on her face.

"Oh..um. Hi." I stuttered a little and added a smile.

"Hey. I was just wondering if you could take me to my class? I'm not sure where it is and it'd be nice to have a little catch up on the way." Y/n suggested. Her voice was calm and soft; just like it used to be.

"Yeah sure. I'd love too." I smiled a little more and agreed.

"Thanks." Y/n giggled a little.

Me and y/n started to stroll down the long hallway - that felt almost never ending - towards her next class.

"So how've you been since I haven't seen you?" I asked.

"I've been alright. Yourself?"

"Good I guess. How are you and Jason?" I asked and frowned a little. I didn't want to ask but I didn't know what else to say.

Y/n sighed a heavy, almost frustrated sounding sigh and rubbed her arm slightly. It was like she was nervous or didn't know how to answer my question.

"We're.. good.." Y/n finally said and weakly smiled at me.

"Are you sure? You don't seem sure."

"No.. I'm sure. It's nothing. Can we talk about something else?" Y/n awkwardly said. She had stopped walking and seemed out of place; with the emotion of worried and nervous.

"Um sure. But if there's anything going on you can tell me. I won't tell anyone and you know I'm always here for you." I smiled and softly spoke; in a reassuring tone.

Your POV
"Thank you Jonathan. That's one thing I always missed about you. You're comfort. I appreciate it so much." I thanked Jon and smiled.

I really have missed Jonathan. I've missed everything about him. The way he always comforted me, made me feel better and made me laugh. All those things. I thought my feelings for Jonathan were just fading memories. I guess I was wrong, I still love Jon, there's no doubt about it. But I don't know how to tell him. And how to tell Jason.. Jason would hate me.. Jason would.. no. I can't think about that. Yes, he would do it, but I can't let anyone know that...

I regained my focus and looked up a little at Jonathan who was staring at me with his gorgeous, ocean, blue eyes that I could get lost in for ages. They glistened and twinkled which definitely made my heart go.

"Your welcome. Anything for you." Jon answered.

I couldn't help but smile at Jonathan's comment. I approached Jonathan a little more and wrapped my arms around him.

"Thank you." I whispered in his ear as I hugged him tightly.

Jonathan wrapped his arms around me and hugged my tightly back. The hug felt so right. It didn't feel like a best friend hug though. It felt as if it had more meaning. More emotion and feels.

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