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Jonathan's POV
I left a trail of wet and gentle kisses along y/n's neck before picking up the roughness; creating purple marks.

"Mm." Y/n moaned as my lips sucked on her sweet spot. "I love the touch of your lips on my neck." She admitted, smiling at me.

"I love the feel of your skin against my lips baby girl." I replied, kissing her once again. "Slid your shirt off."

Y/n slid off her shirt, revealing her beautiful top half. She's so perfect, and she's all mine.

Your POV
Jonathan's ocean eyes trailed all over my top half before he dipped his head in my cleavage and started leaving wet kisses along my breasts. Without breaking the kiss, Jonathan stood up and I wrapped my legs around his torso. He took me up too the bedroom and carefully placed me on the bed. Jon hovered above me and begun grinding against me, making little sharp breaths leave me body.

"Baby." I breathed, running my hands through Jonathan's fluffy, blonde hair.

"You like that?" He rhetorically asked and started to grind rougher against me.

I moaned this time and held his shoulders a little. "Yes baby."

Jonathan suddenly stopped and threw his top off, leaving him in his jeans. He grinned and slid off my leggings which left me in my matching bra and underwear.

"Your body." He started, looking me up and down. "It's so fucking beautiful."

"I want you Jonathan." I said, desperate for Jonathan to touch me.

He grinned and placed his lips against my stomach, kissing a little roughly leaving light marks. He begun to kiss closer to my underwear and at the top of my thighs.

He was being a tease.

But I loved it.

Jonathan let out a little moan and his breath hit my area, making the hairs on my thighs and neck stand upright. He was being such a tease. I sat up and rolled Jon over so that I was hovered above him.

"Stop teasing." I said, lust and sexual frustration being my undertone.

Jonathan chuckled and cupped his hands against my cheeks. "Why? It is making you, frustrated?" He said with a satisfied smirk.

"Yes." I admitted, dipping my head down onto Jon's exposed chest.

Jonathan's POV
I adore it when y/n hints that she likes what I'm doing to her. It makes me feel satisfied. But what if it isn't as good as Jason? What if he was better at it?

The thought kept crossing my mind for some reason. The thought was random but kept bugging me. What if he made her feel better? What if I'm not as good? Me and y/n have done it before, and she seemed to enjoy it. But-

"Jon?" Y/n said, pulling me out of my thoughts and back into reality. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, um. Nothing." I said, pushing y/n off a little and sitting back against the headboard.

"Did I do something?" Y/n asked again, her tone sounding more worried.

I looked at y/n with a weak smile. "No, babygirl. You didn't do anything. It's just me. Over thinking things."

Y/n came closer and sat down on my lap so that she was straddling me. "Tell me, what you're thinking."

"You'll think it's stupid or weird. Don't worry about it."

"Babe. Just tell me."

I sighed and looked y/n in the eye. Her eyes were filled with passion, love and care. She wanted to know, she wanted to know if I was alright. "It's just Jason." I started. "I'm just over thinking things. Like, what if he's better than me?"

"Better than you?" Y/n raised her brow.

I gave her a little sigh and embarrassed look. She read it and understood me. "Oh." She softly sighed.

"Babe. Why are you worrying about that? The pleasure you give me is amazing. I wouldn't ask for better." Y/n calmly said. "How do you know me and Jason even had sex?"

Your POV
Jon flashed me a confused look, raising one eyebrow, wondering.

"Me and Jason only had sex once. I mean, we had only been going out for one month. But it was awful. It didn't feel right. It felt forced."

Jonathan's POV
My mind finally felt a little at ease. Y/n's words had assured me more and I smiled in relief.

"I'm sorry for that. It was stupid thing to think and worry about." I said, feeling a little embarrassed at the thought.

Y/n giggled and put her lips against mine. "You're so cute and silly. I love you baby."

I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around y/n's back. I love her so much. She's everything I need. I will do anything to protect her.

A/N: CHECK OUT MY NEW IMAGINE BOOK! ITS 80s/90s IMAGINES. Including Jonathan Brandis and others. ❤️ I may also take requests so go check it out. :) Thank you if you do. X

I like this chapter, but I feel as if it got a little weird towards the end. I'm tired okayyy. It's currently 2:00am. I'm practically falling asleep. I apologise if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes. I am too tired to go back over this chapter and read it. And I like cute, passionate, make out session chapters like this one. So if you don't like it, I suggest you stop reading. Because I will definitely be adding more in. :) Thanks for reading.

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