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Hey everyone! Firstly, apologies for not being active for ages! This year has definitely been tough for me as well as everyone else out there. I hope every one of you is doing well and has been safe during these last few challenging months.

Secondly, since I've been gone my book has continued to do very well in my opinion! I've had some lovely comments from you guys and a lot of you have been asking for me to continue on with it. Now I wrote this book back in 2017/2018 which was a couple of years ago. I personally didn't want to continue this book on as I had run out of ideas. However, since I've had so many comments and lovely reviews, I have decided that I want to continue this story in some way.

Soooo... would you guys like me to continue on from where I left this story? Or would you like me to rewrite it? New and updated?

Whatever you'd prefer, let me know and I'll go for whatever option has the most votes. Thank you for taking the time to read this! It's much appreciated! Much love,

Stylishholland x

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2020 ⏰

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