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Your POV
Mine and Jonathan's journey to his had been quiet. Not a single word was said. Absolutely nothing. I felt awkward and embarrassed that Jonathan saw Jason. Grinding against me.

Jonathan unlocked the door to his house and let me in. He walked straight into the kitchen leaving me in the lounge. A little sigh escaped my mouth before I finally decided to follow Jon into the kitchen and sit down at the table. I quietly sat down at the table and watched as Jon opened the freezer and got out a cold bag of vegetables for his face. It seemed to be bruised quite badly. Jon flashed me a look and sat down next to me at the kitchen table.

"I'm sorry." I quickly said.

Jonathan looked up at me with his ocean blue eyes that seemed to be glistening at me with emotion. I didn't know what he was thinking. He just looked so, so hurt.

"I'm so sorry." I said again but slower. "I wasn't strong enough to push him off me. I tried, I really did try. But I-"

"Babe. Don't panic. I saw what happened. I saw your struggle. I saw everything. You don't need to apologise." Jonathan finally said.

"What? You saw everything?"

"Yes. I did. I came down the river to try and find you, as that's where you usually go when you've got a troubled mind. And I saw Jason walking up to you. I saw and heard everything babe. I know what happened. But seeing him grind on you, and him making it look like you two were a couple again, made me feel sick. Y/n, I just love you with all my heart. And I'd do anything to protect you. Even if it means me getting punched in the face a good few times." Jonathan weakly laughed with a smile.

"I'm sorry you had to witness that. But you know I love it more when you grind against me." I winked. "But seriously, thank you for helping me. I love you so much more baby."

Jonathan smiled; showing his perfect teeth. "You know, since he gave you some hickeys, I'm going to have to mark what's mine again." Jonathan smirked with a wink.

I giggled and stood up, walking closer to Jonathan. He pushed his chair out a little and looked up at me with a smirk.

"Go on then. I won't stop you baby." I said, biting my bottom lip and climbing on Jonathan's lap so that I was straddling him.

Jonathan immediately dived into my neck and started kissing lightly, gradually picking up the roughness. He left a trail of wet kisses down to my collarbone before working his way back up with rough and hard kisses.

"I- I- love you so fucking much princess." Jonathan moaned into my neck between rough kisses.

"I love you more baby boy." I said and rested the side of my head against the top of Jonathan's head while my hand played with the bottom of his hair at the back of his neck.

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