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Your POV
Jason wasn't in front of me anymore. I sat up and tried to wipe away my on going tears of fear and cleared my vision; I still had a slight blur but I could see more than I could before.

There in front of me was Jonathan with Jason on the floor looking up at Jon with pure anger and fury in his eyes. I'd never seen Jason look so mad.

Jonathan's POV
I looked down to the floor where Jason was lying and looking up at me with pure anger burning violently in his eyes. It was a little intimidating, but I had to face it.

Jason got up and quickly swung his fist at me and powerfully hit me straight in the nose; the blood immediately started to gush out.

Your POV
Jason got up and quickly swung his fist powerfully at Jon and hit him right in the nose. Blood immediately gushed out of Jon's nose like a never ending waterfall.

"Jon!" I loudly called out and jumped off the sofa towards Jonathan. I started to cry a little more as Jon was hunched over a little in pain, holding his nose.

"Get off him. Now. Before I hurt you." Jason said in a stern and firm voice.

His voice was scaring me, but I didn't want to leave Jonathan's side. Jason seemed furious at this. He leant forwards and grabbed my wrists; pushing me to one side.

"Look at me!" Jason demanded and lifted Jonathan's head up. "You think you're all bad and that for stealing my girlfriend. Well, you ain't. You're a waste of my time. So that's why I ain't doing anything more to you. However, if you tell anyone what happened here. You'll be dead. Got it, pal?"

Jonathan didn't say anything. He stayed quiet and looked furiously into Jason's eyes. I ran back over to Jon and put my arm over his shoulders and led him out of the house before Jason kicked off again.

I opened the door to Jonathan's house and led him into the kitchen. He sat down at the table and covered his nose without saying a word. I hurried over to the sink and got a clean cloth to wipe away the blood on Jon's nose.

"This may hurt, but it will help." I said as I sat down next to Jon and ever so gently cleaned his nose up.

While I cleaned Jon's nose he didn't say a word. It was starting to freak me out a little. I cleaned the cloth in the sink and put it on the side when I was done then joined Jon at the table again.

"Thank you. Thank you for helping me, for protecting me. It means a lot." I gratefully said and took Jon's hands in mine and held them tightly.

Jon looked up at me and smiled. "It's no problem. I told you I'd do anything to protect you." Jon finally spoke. "Even if it means almost getting my nose broken." Jon laughed slightly.

I laughed a little with him and smiled thankfully at him. I felt so safe and protected with Jon. I knew he'd do anything for me and that he really did care.

Jonathan's POV
I had to tell y/n now. It seemed like the right time too. After all the years I'd been feeling this way, I wanted y/n to finally know how I felt about her.

"Y/n. I need to tell you something. I've been meaning to tell you for years now. But I never had the courage too. But I feel as if I can finally tell you. And what I want to tell you -" My sentence was suddenly interrupted with y/n's lips being placed onto mine.

I was a little shocked at this but I couldn't help but smile into the kiss. Our lips moved in sync and the kiss was passionate and meaningful.

Your POV
Although I was getting a little breathless from the passionate kiss, I didn't want it to stop. I slithered my hands around the back of Jon's neck and rubbed his neck with my thumb lightly. Jon's hands cupped my cheeks and he started to beg for entry, in which I let him. We explored each other's mouths and finally broke apart as we were both breathless.

"That was.. amazing." Jonathan blushed slightly.

"It was. You're a good kisser." I smiled and winked causing Jon to blush even more.

"Thank you. Also, I'm sorry for getting a little too carried away." Jon laughed a little nervously.

"Jon, it's fine. I enjoyed it." I giggled and slid my hands into Jon's hands.

Our hands gripped together tightly and our fingers locked together. This felt right. And I wanted it to last forever.

A/N: I've been quite busy this weekend so I wasn't able to update. So, I thought I'd write two chapters and post them for you guys.

Thank you guys so much for 200 + reads! That means so much to me and I am beyond grateful! I would also like to thank you guys for almost 50 votes already! That also means so much to me. I am very appreciative of it. Anyway, I won't be uploading anymore chapters tonight but I will try and upload some new chapters throughout the week. Thanks! I love you guys! ~ stylishsuggy ❤️

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