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The next day.

Jonathan's POV
I rolled over and turned the annoying alarm sound that rang violently in my ears. Today was probably going to be an alright day. I mean, I get to see y/n and spend a little more time with her since I'll be helping her around university.

The doors slowly slid open and I entered the university, immediately being greeted by different colours of everyone's outfits. I walked past them and went straight to the lockers; where I was to meet y/n and Alex.

I got to our meeting spot but Alex and y/n weren't here yet. I leant my back against one of the lockers and sighed. I wish Alex wasn't that protective and that y/n didn't have a boyfriend...

"Hey Jon!" A male voice suddenly yelled, which grabbed my attention.

My eyes fluttered a little as I gained all my focus back. Alex and y/n were approaching me.. but it wasn't just them. There was three people approaching me. A tall guy who was wearing a lot of sports wear - a back adidas jacket with black jeans and Nike shoes - approached closer to me. His facial expression seemed angry and annoyed; his eyebrows turned down a little and looked as if they were frowning at me.

It was Jason, another popular in our university. Also known as the biggest douche bag in our university. Why would y/n date him? He's a player, he dates girl after girl. Sometimes he even dates girls while he's already with someone. Asshole.

"Make sure you look after her dude. I'll be watching." Alex said to Jason.

Jason nodded and looked back at me as he wrapped his arm around y/n and pulled her closer into his chest. His facial expression turned and he had a smug look on his face.

"See you later." Jason smirked and walked off with y/n.

"I told you she had a boyfriend." Alex competitively spoke.

I looked back and Alex and frowned; my mouth ajar slightly.

"Yeah, but you didn't tell me it was Jason. From this university."

"I know. Why.."

"He's like the biggest asshole in this university. He's also the biggest player. And you let your sister date him? So you won't let me date her, when I'd treat her right. But you let a player and asshole date her. What the hell Alex? He's gonna end up hurting her emotionally!" I interrupted and raised my voice slightly at Alex. My tone was annoyed and serious. What the hell is wrong with him? I thought Alex hated Jason?

"Will you just stop? Just get over my sister! She doesn't like you! Let y/n get on with her own life, and stop getting involved! I wouldn't let him hurt y/n anyway." Alex raised his back at me.

I held my mouth tight shut and shook my head slowly at Alex in shock.

"Well when he hurts her, don't go telling people I didn't warn you." I said firmly then walked away.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry this part is a little short and maybe a little boring. I'm writing this before school and don't have a lot of time. But I'll probably update this after school. Also, I apologise if their are any spelling or grammar mistakes. I can't be bothered to go back over it and read it. Haha.
Thanks for reading and for all the votes. :) x

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