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Your POV
Some time had passed since this morning and it was a bit later on in the day. It was around seven in the evening and me and Jonathan didn't have any plans for tonight. We'd spent most of the day relaxing and watching tv together. But to be honest, I liked it that way, everything was nice and how I wanted it to be. And right now, we were both sat next to each other on the sofa - my head was resting against his shoulder with Jonathan's left arm gripped loosely around my waist.

"We should do something tonight." Jonathan suggested, his head turning to the side to face me.

"Like what?" I asked curiously, removing my head from Jonathan's shoulder.

Jonathan stopped for a moment and thought for a few seconds. "Well, I'm not exactly sure. Did you have anything in mind?"

"Not really." I replied, shrugging and pouting.

Jonathan sat still and thought again, his eyes began to wonder around the room, looking for something to give him an idea. When abruptly Jonathan jumped and removed his arm from my waist.

"I've got it!" Jonathan exclaimed, jumping a little in excitement, making me jump a little. Jonathan saw this and began to laugh, "Sorry babe."

I rolled my eyes and giggled slightly, "Let's hear this idea then."

"Well, it might not be your type of thing, but I reckon it'll be fun. I mean, it'll definitely be a good laugh for us. I think." Jonathan smiled, a little bit of hope and excitement glistening in his bright blue eyes.

I didn't know exactly know what Jonathan was planning or suggesting, but I had my suspicious. I looked down at my hands that were becoming a little sweaty with the anxious and nerve wracking thought I had. This made me gulp slightly and take a deep breath.

"If it's what I think you're thinking off, then you can forget it." I huffed, looking down and folding my arms across my chest.

Jonathan raised his eyebrow in curiosity and confusion. "Hey hey, what do you think I'm thinking of? It's nothing bad, don't worry."

Jonathan's POV
I looked at y/n, confused and slightly worried at her sudden actions. What was she thinking? Her lips became clasped together and she wouldn't look back up to me.

"Babe? Honestly, what do you think I'm planning?" I asked softly, waiting for her to look up at me. But she didn't.

Her eyes stayed focused to the floor, ignoring what I'd asked.

"Babe?" I said again softly, trying again to get her attention. But like before, it didn't work.

I took my hand and placed it carefully under y/n's chin, using my thumb to gently lift her chin up to face me. Her lips finally began to part and she looked as if she was going to speak.

Your POV
My eyes caught Jonathans and I could see the worry he was feeling because of my recent actions. I began to part my lips to say the place I thought Jonathan was thinking of. The place I didn't like. No, it's not just that I don't like, I think it's more of a place I hate. . .

A club.

There's a story behind why I don't like clubs. Not just for the drinking and usual things in a club. I hate them all because of a personal, horrible, nightmare like memory.

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