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Jonathan's POV
It felt as if time had just stopped and that nothing could get in the way of this moment. It was perfect. Y/n's soft lips had gripped mine and we were kissing with such a slow, but passionate pace. Her lips were soft - like an angels touch - and they tasted like cherry; like the lip balm she always used. Our lips moved in sync and it felt so right, but so wrong. I didn't want it to end. But it sadly had too.

Y/n slowly detached her lips from mine and let out a few light breaths; she was breathless, as so was I. The room fell silent, but it wasn't an awkward and deafening silence. It was a calm and soothing silence. I caught y/n's gaze and looked deep into her gorgeous, sparkling eyes.

"Jonathan.. that was.." Y/n begun to trail off.

"Amazing?" I said; finishing y/n's sentence off.

Y/n giggled and blushed a little. "Yes Jon. It really was. But.."

"But what?" I interrupted.

Y/n's smile had suddenly dropped and her eyes weren't sparkling anymore. They were clouding over the bright colour; like a storm was coming and the fog was rolling in.

"Um.. I really like you Jon. I guess you could say, I love you.. But.. I'm still with Jason. And what about Alex? How would he react if he found out what just happened?"

My feelings felt as if they'd just fallen, like something had crashed into them. The moment felt so perfect, that I didn't really think about Alex and Jason. My jaw felt numb and heavy. Like I couldn't get any words out..

"I.. I don't know what to say.. You still love Jason?" I stuttered a little nervously.

The name 'Jason' looked as if it terrified y/n. Her eyebrows had become a little alerted and her eyes had changed to a sudden colour of fear; dark and gloomy.

"Jon, of course I don't love Jason. He hit me! He threatened me! He threatened you! He doesn't love me or he wouldn't of said or done what he did. I can't go back home. I can't face Jason." Y/n worriedly said; with an undertone of fear.

"But what about Alex? If he finds out, he'll think something's going on between us if you stay here."

"I can't go back. Jon, I'm scared of him. Of Jason.." Y/n fearfully said.

I didn't blame y/n one bit for fearing Jason. If I were her, I would too.

"Alright. You can stay here. But Alex is probably going to worry about you."

"Then tell him. Tell him where I am. Tell him I'm safe with you."

"But that'll.."

"No." Y/n interrupted. "Alex needs to know what happened with Jason. Whether or not he'll be mad that I stayed with you because of it, I don't care. I feel safe and happy with you.. there's no other way to describe it." Y/n calmly said.

A smile started to shine on my face and I felt my cheeks blush a light shade of pink. I had no idea y/n felt this way about me. After all this time I thought she didn't like me and that we were just friends. But I was wrong. Y/n does feel the same way about me.

I just need to tell y/n how I feel about her. But even though we both feel the same way towards each other, that does not mean it's going to be easy for us. After all, Alex will not like it. Not at all.

A/N: Sorry for not updating in a few days. I've been busy with school and stuff. Also, I apologise for this chapter being a little short. I'll try and make them a little longer next time.

But thanks for reading and I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Also, a massive thank you for almost 200 reads already! I appreciate that so much! It means a lot! X

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