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The end of the day.

Your POV
I put my bag down on the little chair then walked into the kitchen to get myself a glass of water. As I got my glass and put it under the tap my hands begun to shake. The strong feeling of anxiety over threw me as Jason called out to me as he entered the house.

"Y/n! Where are you?!" Jason called out again.

The horrifying chills ran down my spine and my anxiety grew and turned violently in my stomach.

"Y/n! Answer me now!" Jason yelled from the other room.

I gulped and tried to ignore the chills that were tumbling down my spine. "I'm here." My voice trembled as I spoke.

Jason entered the kitchen and looked furious. "You've got some serious explaining to do."

"What?" I asked hesitantly.

"You and that Jonathan guy. I saw you hug him and whisper something in his ear." Jason angrily spoke with an undertone of jealously. His eyebrows dipped down so he was frowning and his mouth was closed firmly shut.

I looked at Jason emotionless. I didn't know what to say. I was too scared and worried.

"Well! Speak up bitch!" Jason suddenly yelled which made me jump back; resulting me in dropping the empty glass that was in my hands. It fell to the floor like a slow motion scene in a movie and shattered into hundreds of sharp pieces.

I moved back and put my hands tightly over my mouth; trying to prevent the tears and painful cries of my fear escaping.

Jason walked up to me and yanked my hand away from my face. "Listen here bitch. If you think you can cheat on me like that, you better think again. I am not afraid to hurt you or that coward Jonathan. You are with me and you do what I say." Jason yelled furiously in my face.

My head hung down; I couldn't look at Jason. He we scaring me too much. The tears started to fill my eyes and before long came gushing out. I let out painful and desperate cries. The fear was taking me quicker than anything, I couldn't help it.

"You are not leaving me no matter what. You better not have been thinking about leaving me for Jonathan or there will be trouble and he'll be hurt. Badly. Got that bitch?"

"Please.. don't do this." I weakly spoke in between my cries and whimpers.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Jason yelled and rose his hand in the air. His hand swung closer to my face and I could suddenly feel the sharp tingle of pain run through my cheek like an electric shock.

I fell to the floor and my hands landed on the glass which immediately cut me. But I didn't even care. The only pain I was focused on was the pain that was streaming through my cheek and was slowly becoming numb.

"Get up!" Jason grabbed my arms and pulled me up and pulled my closer to him.

"No! No! No!" I yelled and fought back; eventually loosing Jason's grip from my arms. Without hesitation, I forcefully pushed Jason back and ran out of the house quicker than ever.

I'd been running for a while and I came breathless. I stopped and sat down on the grass. I was in a local park but I was tucked away from everyone else. Well so I thought. My cries still hadn't stopped. In fact they got worse as I looked at the state my hands were in; deeply cut and still bleeding from the glass.

Jonathan's POV
I grabbed my bag and threw it round my shoulders. I wanted to go for a walk to clear and relax my mind a little more.

After a few minutes of strolling down the almost empty street I reached the local park. I continued to stroll along the dirty pathway that led through the park when I heard a faint noise. Almost like it was the sound of cries? I stopped in my tracks and turned to the direction the sound came from. It was behind a bush. Something told me I should go and check what or who it is. So that's what I did. I walked round the bush and turned the corner, and there, on the floor was y/n. Crying her eyes out.

A/N: Little cliffhanger because I'm evil haha. I hope you guys are enjoying this story so far. I know I am! I just wanted to quickly thank everyone who's been adding this story to their reading collections and voting! It means so much and I appreciate it very much. So thank you. :)) x

The next chapter will probably be posted at some point tomorrow. So you'll have to wait until then to see what happens next hehe. Thanks for reading!

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