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Jonathan's POV
"Y/n!" I raise my voice slightly in a panicky tone and hurry towards her.

I drop to the floor and sit in front of her. "Y/n, talk to me. What happened?"

Y/n's whimpers slow down and she slowly removes her bloody and cut hands away from her face - y/n's face is pale with a slight red mark on her cheek. Like a hand print? Her eyes are bloodshot but the colour is drained out by a dark and grey shade. They show nothing; only the sorrow emptiness and pain. - I take y/n's wounded hands in mine and clean up the fresh blood that's trickled down her hands with a clean tissue that I had.

"Y/n, what happened?" I softly ask.

I look up at y/n who's looking down at her hands. I cup my hand on the side of y/n's cheek and gently rub my thumb against her soft and pale face.

"It.. I.. I can't." Y/n whimpers and rests her head into my hand.

Her eyes close and she silently cries. The tears run down her face like they're scared and hopeless.

"You can't what?" I ask.

"I.. I can't tell you.." Y/n trailed off; her voice had a tone of guilt and disappointment.

"Yes you can y/n. I'm always here for you and I won't tell anyone. Please tell me. I just want to help you."

Y/n looked up and her emotionless eyes caught my gaze. "It.. it was Jason. He hit me.." She hesitantly trailed off.

My heart had just stopped for a few seconds. What y/n had just said hit me like a bullet. I was furious at what he'd done. How could he hurt such a beautiful, kind and loving soul? Why would he do it? How could he do it? The questions raced around my mind; building my anger and fury up even more. I was shocked and speechless. I didn't know what to say. I had to think of something quickly.

"Why? Why'd he do it?" I finally asked, gripping onto y/n's tightly.

Y/n didn't say anything for a few seconds. Her head continued to hang low and her eyes trailed over our linking hands. "He was jealous, annoyed and angry at me... because I hugged you before last class. He saw it all and took it the wrong way."

Your POV
Jonathan's eyebrows turned sharp and a angry looking frown appeared on his face. I didn't know what to say and I don't think Jon did either.

"I need to talk to him. I need to sort this out." Jonathan finally spoke: his tone was serious with an undertone of anger.

My head suddenly picked up and I looked deeply into Jonathan's sparkling eyes. -However, they didn't sparkle with the normal happy and joyful blue colour. Instead, they sparkled a dull blue shade that showed many emotions: guilt, sorrow, anger and fury. - My heart raced and my anxiety made my stomach turn.

"You can't talk to him Jon. You can't! He threatened me! He threatened you! He said he's not afraid to hurt me or you again. And if he knows I told you, he'll..."

"No, he's not going to do anything to me nor you. I won't let him. I won't let him go anywhere near you or touch you." Jonathan said in a firm tone; which told me he wasn't joking or lying about it. "But first, let's go get you cleaned up properly."

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