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Your POV
I'd been round Jon's house for at least three hours now and we'd decided to watch a horror movie; Annabelle 2: Creation. I haven't seen it before but Jon tells me it's really good. We're about halfway through the movie and things are starting to get tense and scary.

"Shit!" I jump and cover my face with my hands. A jump scare popped up and scared the living daylights out of me.

"You good?" Jon laughs.

"Um. I'm scared shitless. But other than that, I'm fine." I laughed.

Jon smiled at me; his perfectly lined together teeth sparkled. "Do you want to sit closer to me?"

"If you don't mind." I said and quickly moved next to Jon.

Me and Jon were sat next to each other; knees and shoulders touching. Jonathan's touch made me feel safe. It was like it reassured me that he was here.

Jonathan's POV
The horror film had been on for about an hour or so and y/n was starting to fall sleep. She was slouched against my shoulder and her head was resting on my left shoulder. It didn't take long to hear the quiet and faint snores y/n was making. I giggled to myself and looked over at y/n. She looked so damn cute sleeping next to me.

Alex's POV
I had just got home from hanging out with some of my other mates and the house seemed ghostly quiet. The house seemed empty. I didn't like it.

"Y/n! Jason?" I called out; hoping for a response.

No response. I threw my bag off and dumped it on the sofa, like I always did and walked into the kitchen where I noticed some smashed glass on the floor; which made me feel concerned. I quickly cleaned it up and got my phone out my bag. I'll call Jason, maybe he's with y/n.

"Hello?" Said Jason on the other side of the phone line.

"Hey. I was just wondering if you were  with y/n?"

"Try Jon's house." Jason said emotionless then hung up the phone.

My eyes widened and it felt like time had just stopped. If Jon was with y/n, he would really have an argument coming his way. I told him not to try anything with y/n. She's got a boyfriend for fuck's sake!

Jonathan's POV
My eyes started to flutter closed and I could feel myself starting to fall asleep as well. I rested the side of my head on y/n's head and closed my eyes. But my peace was suddenly disturbed when the front door swung open. I immediately lifted my head up and turned all my attention to the opening door; I expected Jason to be stood there in anger. But he wasn't. Alex was.

A/N: Sorry this chapter is a little short. I'm leaving for school in a few minutes and I thought it'd be a good place to end the chapter. The next chapter will probably be uploaded later tonight (when I'm home from school). Thanks for reading! And also, thank you for over 250 + reads! We're almost at 300 reads already which is amazing! I appreciate it so much. So thank you all!❤️

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