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Giann came to pick me up Friday after classes were over the Wayne family wanted to meet me. She didn't come see me for a couple days cause I told her I would be ok and it gave her time to make sure the family was who they said they were.

I went inside the car and closed the door.

I know I didn't get to tell you about them so anyway they are the Waynes they only have a puppy that  Karen just rescued from the shelter and Braxton has two pet parakeets. They have been trying to get pregnant for years but it hasnt really worked out.  Karen is a pediatric nurse and Braxton owns and runs a breakfast bar.

When she stopped talking she looked over at me to see if I was listening. And I was, I just couldn't answer cause I was secretly hoping that they could like me and I could like them, that way i could finally leave the shelter. We drove for about 20 minutes before she took a right turn to a quiet neighborhood where the houses were a lot bigger than the ones we saw before turning on this street.

Giann then took another right turn, passed two big houses and then parked next to a white house with grey trims and a beautiful front yard with many different flowers lining a walkway up to the front door.

Are you ready?

Yeah sure.

We got out the car and walked up to the door it was after three now and it looked like they were both home since two cars were in the driveway. The house was fit for a small family and It looked welcoming. Giann knocked twice on the door and it opened revealing a beautiful woman about 5.6" with bleached blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes. Beside her was a man he was dark with black hair kinda like mine and a comforting smile. He was tall but then again I was short really short. They invited us in and kept staring at me. Until I looked elsewhere.

Hi Alexa my name is Braxton, and this is my wife Karen. We have heard so much about you in the past 2 weeks. My wife and I can't wait to have you stay here and if you like it here we would like to have you live with us. Sorry for looking at you like that we're just really excited about this.

A little white puppy came running in the living room.

That is Fox we just got him about a month ago. He isn't trained yet cause we have been looking for the right place to send him. He won't bite though.

They took me around the house showing me the room ill be staying in the den, the tv room and the kitchen. It really was a nice house, they told us they made dinner and invited Giann to stay.

It was getting late but her kids were at their fathers house for the weekend so she stayed. Dinner was good and Giann was about to leave, I hated this part the most getting left with the new family. I was staying the weekend so I could get to know them a little before moving in; in 2 weeks if they wanted me to stay. They also wanted to find me a school and everything before I came here to live.

I was happy and sad at the same time but I am going to give them a chance at least they are much nicer than anyone I've ever stayed with.

I got a shower and went to bed. The room was kinda scary because I wasn't used to being in such a big room by myself worse it being a new house with people I didn't really know.

There was a seat under the window. I knew I could curl up right there for hours to read my books. I hope they had a lot of books since I needed something to keep me occupied for the two days if they were gonna go to work.

I woke up with the sun in my eyes and scratching at the door. I got up and pulled the door open my feet was instantly attacked by a cold wet tongue.

Someone is very happy isn't he.
I picked up fox and took him over to the bed with me. I scratched behind his ear and rested my head on the pillow.

There was a soft knock on the door so fox jumped off the bed and went to the person standing there. It was Karen.

Good morning Alexa, I made breakfast. Giann told me what you liked so I made waffles with chocolate chips and chocolate milk.

Thanks I'll be down in a little while.

Braxton said he wanted to take you sailing today. If you wanted to.

That sounds nice. Tell him I'll be glad to go.

After she left I took a shower got dressed then went downstairs. I pulled out a chair and took a seat told Mr. Wayne good morning and started. Eating..

So Alex. Can I call you Alex?

Yeah that's okay.

Ok Alex. I have a jam packed weekend. First we are going sailing then lunch of course a go cart course that's 2 hours away. Ice skating in the night. Then dinner we're going to the beach tomorrow then we have a dinner party that we couldn't get out of but we want you to come. If it's too much you can let me know.

No its not too much. It all sound fun. Is Fox coming sailing with us?

If you want him to then yes. But you have to watch him he's not fully trained as yet.

Okay then. I'll watch him.

Yeah we'll be ready in the next hour.

I finished eating while Karen, she told me to call her Karen.  Packed us food and towels and lots of water. Mr Wayne he told me to call him Brax but I don't want to. He carried all the stuff to the car. I asked if I could help but he said no. I was standing  at the car door waiting for them to finish when I saw some people across the street the only thing that caught my eye was mid length black hair with blonde highlights. She was stunning of course. I don't know how long I was staring but Mr. Wayne was the one who snapped me out of my staring by blocking my view.

I see you've met Oneilia our neighbour. She is so helpful, especially with Fox, she adores him shes over almost everyday. Im sure you wont mind we invited her along. So, are you ready?

I shook my head yes and got a seat in the car. The stunning girl from next door was coming across the street. She put her bag in the back and sat beside me in the car then Mr. Wayne pulled out the driveway after Karen buckled her seat belt.

Hey. I'm Oneilia. I already know your name Mr. Wayne has been talking about you for the last week. I really hope you stay you are beautiful. She whispered the last part but I'm sure everyone heard or maybe it's cause I was watching her lips the entire time why I thought she said that. Maybe it was my mind.

I turned my head and looked through the window with a smile.

That's okay if you don't say anything. Karen already told me you don't talk a lot.

I like her is what my mind kept saying. I have a reason to come back. Who knew I liked girls right.

Still wondering if i should continue or not.

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