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The rest of the day was uneventful not that I wasn't happy about it. I was glad when the final bell rang indicating that school was over. I packed up my stuff and walked out the building. I was gonna get picked up by Mr. Wayne and taken home so I could do whatever homework I had. He was parked out front so I just hopped in his matte black Camry and we drove off.

You left your phone at home didn't you?

Yeah I forgot I kinda rushed out when the bus came.

That's what I told my wife and she kept calling all the time. She's more worried about you than she's been in a long time. That's a good thing she has someone to occupy her time and take off the stress of her losing our baby 2 months ago, and she can stop worrying about me so much.

He dropped me off waited until I was inside before driving back to work. I got in put my bag in the room and did my home work, lame.

I made a sandwich got some juice and sat down. I checked my phone and realised I had 10 missed calls from Karen. I sent a text to her phone to let her know I was ok and at home. I had nothing to do I could go out if I wanted since Mr. Wayne gave me money but that would be lame to hang out by myself.

I went to the tv room and found a new movie to watch. Well....this is boring. I Didn't realize how much not having any friends was going to come back and bite me in the ass. At least I hopefully have a good birthday coming up in a few weeks, I'm actually looking forward to that. I'll finally have a real reason to celebrate and people to celebrate with, if, I'm actually here until then. Who knows right, I'll probably become too much to handle.

I laid there on the sofa downloading music on my phone and trying to figure it out so I don't look so retarded tomorrow when I take it to school. Karen bought me a silver LG G5. She swears it wasn't expensive but I know it was. I don't want them to spoil me cause I don't want to be a burden but Karen knows how to get her way and make you feel guilty until you give her what she wants.

I got around 30 songs before I got tired and got up to go take a shower. I needed to stay in shape if I was gonna be badass and plus I fell better when I can run for miles without getting winded easily. I was checking for weights in the garage when I found a treadmill. I took off my shirt and skinny jeans leaving me in my sports bra and booty shorts. No one was here anyways and it would be hours before they came. I plugged my phone on the speakers and started a 3 mile run.

I was almost finished when I hear someone shuffling behind me as the music cut off. I stumbled but managed to catch my pace and stopped running.

If I get to see you like this all the time I have no problem being over everyday.

Don't f^cking scare me like that Lia you know I hate it.

Please blame my f^cking teenage hormones for loving the look of you running almost naked on a treadmill.

Why are you here?

No reason. But you're giving me a lot of reasons to stay.

Imma go shower.

No please leave it off. You look sexy as f^ck.

I gave her a look. Ok fine I won't say anything more.

I got my clothes off the floor took my phone off the speakers and ran up the stairs to my room. I sat on the bed by the window and let my skin cool down before pulling off my shoes and going into the shower.

The water was cool down my back and I felt really good from the short work out. I finished showering and went back to the tv room to finish my movie.

Karen came in as soon as I sat down. She got changed from her work clothes and started on dinner. I went in the kitchen cause I wanted to help, I couldn't cook cause I've never had to but, I can follow instructions well.

Dinner was finished as soon as Mr. Wayne came home so we ate and they went to visit some friends..

I went walking around the neighborhood so I could learn the place. Karen offered to show me around but I wanted to go by myself.

When I got home Oneilia was waiting for me by the front door.

What's up?

Do you want to go to a party with me?

You wanna go let me kicked out befor I actually got to stay?

I already asked Mr. Wayne and he said yes you'll get to know people.

I've never been to a party before.

There's a first time for everything, get dressed let's go.

What if I don't want to go?

Then I'll drag you there.. come on I promise not to leave you by yourself.

I got dressed cause I was bored out of my mind anyway I pulled on some ripped jeans and a cami top straighten the ends of my hair brushed my teeth and was ready. I put my phone in my pocket and pulled on my Vans and left the house.

The party was in full swing when we got there and all her friends were waiting for her outside in the back. I'm wondering who is stupid enough to keep a party on a Monday night in October. The house was huge, way bigger than the one I lived in.

So whose house is this?

It's Wes'

Of course it is. Only idiots keep parties on a Monday night.

His parties are still killer. Come on let's get something to drink.

I got a bottle of beer, I didn't like beer but it was a good stress relief. I sat on the last available lawn chair leaving nowhere for Oneilia to sit. She hopped on my lap and was comfortable sitting there. I didn't like to be touched but I was ok.  She was sipping on a soda cause she was driving and doesn't want to get a hangover on a Tuesday morning. 

I sipped my one beer then had some water, we were sitting outside until the party became wild at around 11. I know we should be at home now but we were just heading inside. She was going to dance I was just gonna be the awkward person I was and stand in a corner drinking some soda or something.

Luck wasn't on my side as usual since Keaton found me and decided he should run his hands all over me. I spun around so fast and kneed him in the crotch.

Don't you ever put your hands on me again you f^cking dick. I kneed him in the face as he doubled over. Next time I'll break your f^cking hand.

I stormed out the house and started walking in the direction of my house. I was furious. Someone was pressing on a car horn beside me. I turned to look who it was but the car had parked. 

I'm sorry I left you.

I'm okay Oneilia. I just want to go home.

Okay then, But I'm not walking it's gonna rain soon.

Fine. Only because you're so nice. .I smiled at her, I don't know what these feeling are but I'm not about to give up feeling the way I do for her. We got in the car and she drove us home.

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