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I woke up sick on Sunday morning because of the rain and keeping on my wet clothes for nearly a two hour drive. Karen was her usual mommy mode and now that I was sick she didn't want me to do anything buy stay in bed while she babies me. It was worse Monday when she took the day to take care of me, it was nice. She made me soup and gave medicine and checked up on me to make sure I got a lot of rest.

I was stuffy and miserable but Oneilia kept texting me all day. She didn't catch the flu like I did, she was just stuffy sometimes but she was good.

Tuesday I convinced Karen I could take care of myself I wasn't bed ridden like the day before so I could make myself something to eat when I was hungry. She insisted on making me food before she left so she did and then went to work.

Oneilia came to check up on me after school and carried my school work with her. She stayed over and watched tv while I did my work. Or at least she pretended to watch TV,  she was staring at me tho whole time.

If you keep looking at me like that you're gonna drool on your sandwich.

Who said I was looking?

I know you are and your sandwich is falling.

Oh f^ck. It took me 15 minutes to make that.

And if you were paying attention you would still have it.

F^ck off Alex.

I smiled and continued my work. By the time I was finished it was 5 pm Braxton would be home soon so I went upstairs to get a shower.

I washed my hair then my body. I wrapped a towel around me and went to lie on my bed but Oneilia was already there.

You really should stop coming out your bathroom in just a towel.

Why. I'm still in my room. And it's you who really should knock before entering, what if I was naked?

Then that would be my lucky day if you were. I still would love to take that towel off though.

I looked at her from the bathroom door.

Why didn't you answer me when I asked if you liked me?

Cause you already know the answer.

What if I don't?

I walked over to my drawers to get some underwear.

Then you're slower than I thought.

I felt her presence behind me, and saw her standing there in the mirror her breath on the back of my neck. I won't touch you if you don't want me to but I am dying to know how soft your skin feels especially when you're wet.

She had her hands on my hips moving them lower and lower while she spoke. She pulled at my towel and it fell to the ground. I knew I was blushing and it wasn't because she seen my body it was more because of what she was saying.

She trailed one hand up my ribs and under my breast while watching my reaction in the mirror. She trailed her fingers along the curve of my breast.

I sucked in a breath.

I love how you react to my touch. She whispered in my ear.
Circled her finger around my nipple. I don't know what's wrong with me but I got wet in the southern area and I longed to feel her just touch right there. At least I hope it would feel just as good.

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