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I got used to living with the Waynes after being there for a month. Karen was her usual self, she always got her way. She took time to get to know me and even though I couldn't let her in on everything cause I still had my doubts, she did try to include me in everything.

Brax took me to work with him and I even helped out on the weekends when he wanted me there which wasn't often cause he wanted me to find friends. I was stubborn on that cause I really did want to help, I felt like I had someone to trust as parents.

Giann came to visit me twice since I've been here, and I guess she believed me that I was okay this time.

My birthday was coming up in a week and I didn't know if I should be excited or not. Me and Oneilia had gotten close and even her friends. Ross was a dick but he was funny, Wes was still an asshole so he keeps away from me but he still hangs around with his friends.

Keaton I want to hurt real bad but Lia keeps telling me not to. He is constantly finding a reason to be next to me in classes just so he can annoy the living sh*t out of me. One day it's gonna be too much and Lia won't be able to save him. I don't even know why she keeps trying to save him anyways he always has something to say about her ex Livvy I know she says she doesn't love her anymore but it still pisses her off when he says things.

Right now I was helping Brax who keeps trying to get me to leave cause Lia wanted to go to the movies.

You really need to get out more Alex.

I'm not used to it so it doesn't matter.

Oneilia is outside. Just go.

Is it so bad that I'd prefer to help out than go out?

Yes it is, cause I want you to have a life you didn't have and making friends is a part of it. You have the rest of your life to work.

Fine, I'll leave. Only cause what you said makes sense.

Finally. I'll see you tonight.

I walked through the the kitchen door to find Lia waiting for me at a corner table eating a chocolate muffin.

Finally Mr. Wayne got you to leave. I was about to leave without you.

I screwed up my face.

I'm joking. Let's go.

Are we really just gong to the movies?

No. We're going somewhere first.

We walked to her car, got in and she started driving. She usually drives with her music loud so now I'm wondering why it's still off.


Nothing just wondering why the music hasn't come on yet.

I was thinking, but you can turn it on if you'd like.

We drove for about 2 hours and I knew my questions would go unanswered so I didn't ask any. She stopped in a parking lot that was almost empty and got out indicating that I should get out too. The place didn't give off much than it was huge.

Walking up to the gates she paid and we got in. It was an arcade, we got tokens and played most of the games. We were in a competition of who could win the most games in a row. I won't a lot of games and she did too but none of us won our little competition since every time I had a win streak going she would break it and start one of her own. I did win some stuffed animals from the games and we couldn't carry them all when we went to collect them we gave some away.

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