Twenty One

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Karen didn't say a word to me in the car. She just kept a blank face. I couldn't tell if she was upset or really angry. I kept looking out the window feeling sadder by the minute. I feel like something was about to happen but I don't know what.

We finally got home and she got out and went inside waiting for me before closing the door. I took my own sweet time walking from the car to the front door where she was standing.

When I got there I was expecting a slap or a hit or even a punch to the ribs. That's what I usually get, but what I didn't expect was for Karen to hold me like she heard she was going to lose me in the next 5 minutes.

Don't ever scare me like that. I thought something was wrong.

She was crying. And I started crying too. For the first time in a long time I felt like I belong somewhere, like someone really cared about me. We stood there a little while until she let go and held my hand and I groan a little from the slight pain.

You should sit, I'll go get some ice for your hands then you'll tell me what happened.

I laid my head back on the couch while Karen rustled around in the kitchen. I remembered Oneilia so I texted her

Me. I got 1 day suspension cause I'm the one that did all the damage.

Lia. Really, Kipling only gave you 1 day? That's a first.


Lia. Cause he ever only gives a week or more, not less.

Me. Maybe he thinks Keaton deserves it.

Lia. Probably. I'll see you when I get home I'm in class and I need my phone to text you the rest of the day. And when I get home I wanna hear the real story.

Me. Okay then. I put my phone in my pocket just as Karen came back into the living room.

Okay here is the ice and I made some sandwiches. So tell me what happened.

I told her the whole story even that he's been an ass since the first day.

What's his name?

Keaton Lancaster.

I thought for sure it would be Wesley.

Wesley stays out of my way and I keep out of his.

I'm happy you can defend yourself honey, but really you have to try causing less face damage.

I told him I was gonna break his leg and end his football career and I didn't do It i thought I would be kind to him.

I bet he won't ever forget a girl kicked his ass.

That's what I said. And he won't want to tell anyone but Sean sent me the video. And Sean was the one who pulled me off him

Why would Sean have to pull you off?

I was angry I couldn't stop.

I'm gonna have to send you to anger management if you keep doing this.

I thought for sure you were gonna send me back or something.

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