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I'll start over. My name is Alexa Marsden I am 16 and still in the system. I was placed in when I was almost 11 so yeah I'm almost 17. I have 1 friend Quinn who i hardly see cause I suck at making friends and I suck at keeping in contact with her, I've been in 10 foster homes so far because I keep running away so no one wants me.

I'm kinda short being 5.4" and I have light brown eyes and shoulder length jet black hair. I wear glasses and you can call me a nerd if you like but I love reading. I don't talk a lot and it's not because I'm shy I just don't like talking too much not since my dad passed away when I was 10.

If you're wondering about my mom she is somewhere around the place I don't know, I thought she loved me too I waited for her to come get me when dad died but I guess she got lost.

Yeah I ran away from my last four foster homes cause two of them was a bitch of a family one was like living in hell cause every time I would fall asleep I would wake up cold and freezing so I'd get sick pretty often and the other I'll tell you about that some other time. It was awful and I have scars to prove it.

Giann was upset to find me at her door in the early morning hours shaking from the freezing rain. I know she had a soft spot for me since she saw 10 year old me putting on a pretty dress everyday for 2 months waiting at the window for my mom to come get me.

I was done with dresses and hope and people over all but, I liked Giann she can't adopt me cause she has enough on her plate and even though I wish she could I understand her situation.

She invited me in gave me some warm clothes and gave me a bed for the night I know she'll tell me her mind later but for now I just want to sleep I am tired. I closed my eyes and forgot everything that happened in the last week and slept peacefully for the first time in a long time.

Wake up Alex.

No I'm tired.

It's almost 8:30 I have to get to work so I can find you a new home.

But I don't want a new home Giann.

You need to get up and tell me what happened and why you showed up here in the rain. You do know you're gonna be sick right?

Yes I know that.

Get dressed we leave in 15 minutes


You know you can't keep doing this Alex. Every time you leave a home I have to write it on your record and it doesn't look good if you have so many run aways on it. Families will think you're troubled. I know you know act like it doesn't  matter anymore but I know you still hope to get adopted by some nice people and you're probably still hoping even after all this time that your mom still wants you.

I was glad my back was turned to the door cause by the look on my face she would know she hit the right mark. I heard the door close and her footsteps echoing in the hall.

I got up and saw that she got me another set of clothes to put on. I got a quick shower took up my bag and left the room before she came back.

When I went to the kitchen she had a glass of orange juice and eggs waiting for me. I hurriedly ate and followed her to the car. She didn't even spare me a second before she started drilling me with questions.

So why did you leave this time?

They were bitches

What does that mean?

They left as soon as your car drove out.

And that makes no sense Alex

I know, they might have tried to make me sleep with a guy three days ago again for money. I whispered in one breath. I was hoping she didn't hear what I said.

What do you mean sleep with a guy and again. They tried  before? And three days ago where were you?

Giann I didn't actually do what they wanted that's why I'm here and yes they tried to make me do it the first night. And they were high as f^ck on drugs too. I locked myself in the room and I haven't really been there the last four days either the cops almost got me again. I added the last part.

She slammed on the break resulting in me bumping my head on the window.

I should report them.

You don't have to they are both of legal age so what they do is their problem.

She started driving again.

I'm sorry Alex when I interviewed them they were so normal and I was sure they would make a good family for you..maybe not what you lost but still I know you could have made it work.

It's okay Giann I'm okay they seemed okay to me too. She looked like she regret it and I didn't want her to feel bad about me for the rest of the drive.
Now I got a bump growing on my forehead thanks to you Gi. I smiled and so did she.

I'm sorry.

Me and Giann got along most of the time. She asked simple question and I gave simple answers. She knew everything about me, she was kinda the only thing close to a friend that I've had in the last six years except for when I got to talk to her daughter Quinn, but I'm good with that.

She dropped me off at St. Margurites shelter and filled out papers for me to stay here until she got me a new family. She left an hour later after showing my new room where the bathroom was and the lunch room. I had to attend classes five days a week for 8 hours a day. School wasn't a problem I just hope I don't get into trouble, cause like I said trouble finds me.

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