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Imagine all the good things in life, then imagine them all falling away and you falling apart because a once good enough life has a shadow over it and you don't know how to fix it.

I'm running again. Truth is I'm tired of running but it's better this way, I'm not perfect at taking care of myself but I do it the best way I know how.

You can guess I'm running away from home, but it isn't really my home. I was staying in an abandoned building since I already ran away from the foster home I was placed in. I was only in the home for a week but that was one five days too long. I know you think I didn't give the family a chance but you pick up a few things when you've been to as many homes as I've been.

That was my fourth home this year and it's not always cause I keep running away why I get moved around so much I long to really feel at home like I used to be.

I was there for two days this time. I've had enough bitches to deal with for a lifetime I couldn't let my new foster mom and her bitch of a daughter suffocate me for a whole year.

They left as soon as the social worker drove off. I mean I was used to being alone since I've been in the system for six years. But I'm not used to people trying to sell my body to their boyfriend for money. I mean I had only been there for 12 hours and the bitch of a mother or at least she said she is, wanted me to sleep with her boyfriend. I don't think he was her boyfriend he didn't even know what to call her. I don't either I wasn't paying attention.

The place was nice but now I know what they did to keep it that way. They lived in a nice neighborhood and they kept a lot of food in the house. She was on hard drugs though, the bitch, I mean the daughter and she looked like she should still be in school maybe another year.

Anyways, they left me in the house alone, good thing I was paying attention when Giann my social worker was telling me where I would be sleeping.

She knows I don't want to be here and I know she must be tired of trying to find a family that would want a 16 year old with a not so good record of running off. I'm not a trouble maker I'm more like the opposite of that it's just that trouble has no problem finding me until it actually ruined my life.

Giann looked stressed out she has to balance her home life with the problem of me running off all the time and I know it's getting to her. She says she understands why I leave but I don't think she really gets it. Some of these people are awful the last family I was with before this had three boys and a dog as annoying as they were.

I love dogs I really do I had a dog once but their dog was like a fourth annoying boy. He picked up on everything the boys did, except soaking me with iced water while I was asleep. Mr Holmes had no control over them and his wife had no talk cause they said she wasn't their mom. They made both our lives hell, mine a little more than normal.

I actually went to school while I was there but they made that another living hell too so I did what I do best, I ran

And now I'm running again.

This is my first story and i want to know if i should continue updating the chapters or delete them.

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