Twenty Two

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I felt like I didn't sleep at all. I was still tired. Good thing was Karen went to work today so I'm home alone. Lia was still sleeping it was still really early. I was trying to get up but she held me tighter. So I was left laying on my back with half of Oneilias body on mine.

Aren't you going to school?

Yeah soon.

Then you should get up.

Not yet it's too early.

It's 6 am.

Half an hour more.

I gotta go pee now.


She got off me and I went inside my bathroom. I came back out after I was finished and wrapped in a towel and sat on the bed beside her still sleeping figure.

Will you get up now. I don't want you to be late for school.

I won't be late. I'm always early to school.

If you get up now I'll make you breakfast.

You'll make me breakfast either way.

I'm gonna go then.

I went back inside my bathroom to take a quick shower. I lathered my body with mint scented body wash and in the middle of scrubbing I heard Lia opening the bathroom door.

You finally got up.

She didn't answer she was brushing her teeth. I started rinsing when she opened the shower door and came in.

Not that I'm shy about myself but, couldn't you wait until I was finished?


She kissed me in the shower Long and needy. I moaned into her mouth giving her the opportunity for her tongue to enter my mouth. She kissed down my neck to my breast and pulled one of my nipples into her warm mouth. I could feel myself getting excited at her touch. She lifted me and I wrapped my legs around her waist while she sucked on my other nipple.

She kissed back up my neck to my lips and captured them in another deep kiss. I wanted more. My body was on fire and I needed her to touch me somewhere else.

Lia please touch me.

If I do we won't get out this shower.

Why do you always start this?

Cause I want you really bad but I want it to be more than just sex. I want you to tell me you're mine, I wont take your virtue unless you want me to. I want you to be ready.

I'm not a virgin Lia. That was stolen a long time. I unwrapped my legs from around her and rinsed my body again before leaving her in there.

You wanna tell me what happened?

Not really. I was 13 and I got raped by a foster parent.

How the f^ck do you still remain so calm so quiet, so perfect?

She kissed the single tear that fell down my cheek. It doesn't matter now, I'm. Okay.

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