Twenty Three

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We came back home around half an hour later and talked a bit before I left her house and went home.

When I got to my front door and pulled out my keys I still felt like I was being watched so I hurried to open the door and went in. I found a paper stuck to the floor but it was blank. I threw it in the trash and went to my room. I took off my Polo shirt and my shoes and laid there in my sports bra and jeans.

I must have fallen asleep cause I felt myself being shaken awake. I wasn't frightened like I usually was when I just got here and maybe it was cause I felt safe. She told me dinner was ready and I got up and went downstairs with her.

Karen made vegetable chicken salad with pasta for dinner. We ate then talked a little before she got tired and went to bed. I followed and just went to sleep too cause I had a very long day tomorrow.

I heard ringing coming from somewhere in the room then it stopped, I was about to fall asleep when the ringing started again. I got up and searched for my phone I found it under my shirt in the nook at the window.  I answered it.

Hey, who is this?

Hi Alex, its Sydney sorry for calling so late but can I come in?

You're outside?

Yeah. I tried calling Oneilia but she is a a heavy sleeper, please I have no where else to go.

I'm coming.

I opened the door to see Sydney standing there with a bag on her back. She looked cold too so I invited her in.

I'm really sorry for waking you but my parents are fighting again and I can't stay there I usually go to Oneilias place but she's really knocked out tonight. She was rambling.

Hey, it's OK. I just have to let Karen know you're here okay.

Let me know who's here Alex.

Hi Mrs Wayne it's Sydney. I'm sorry for coming here so late and waking you up but I don't have anywhere to go tonight. My parents are. ....

It's okay Sydney. Where have you been before you got here? Its after 1 in the morning now.

I was around the place. I would have gone to Oneilias but she's really knocked out tonight. I've only been outside for a couple hours.

I'll go make up the guest room you can stay in there. Why are you outside anyway? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.

My parents have been fighting a lot and it gets really bad sometimes that I can't sleep there. They don't even know I'm gone.

I was just standing there watching Karen make the bed and Sydney standing there awkwardly looking at the floor.

I'm going back to bed and you two should too you have school tomorrow. Will you be okay Sydney?  Do you need anything?

No thanks for everything.

Goodnight Syd. There's bathroom right across from this room if you need it.


I walked up the stairs plugged in my phone and fell right asleep. I was running from a figure I couldn't see a face but they were catching up I ran even faster and turned a corner I couldn't see where I was going it was pitch black I felt something slam into my side throwing me off balance and I fell. The figure caught up to me but they still didn't have a face. The cloak was pulled back "I found you little bitch". Mr Aimes said and I jumped out of my sleep. I was drenched in sweat and Fox came running into my room scratching at the foot of the bed.

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