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I sat in my room waiting for the bell to ring informing me that classes have ended and the next one is about to begin.

Kym, the lady in the office told me to wait in my room until then to join the other class  then continue for the rest of the day. 'There is no time to waste when you want a good life from a place like this' is what Kym said as I left the office. She was really nice and that's the only reason I know her name. I don't usually learn names cause I don't usually stay anywhere too long, so she was a big exception.

When the bell finally rung I got up and went to the other side of the building where the classes are kept. The place was huge, one of the biggest shelters I've been in and it was warm and inviting. Not that I was trying to feel comfortable, It just had that feeling. I guess Kym made sure her girls felt comfortable being here.

Yes it was an all girls shelter, I didn't mind, it could have been a baby shelter for all I cared I'm not trying to fit in I just want to leave soon.

I walked until I found the room number Kym told me and opened the door. One more thing I hated was being the center of attention and that was exactly what I got when I entered the classroom.

The teacher smiled at me and told me to take a seat. There was about 11 girls in the class so I passed and went to a chair at the window and took a seat.

One thing I loved about shelters was the teacher didn't ask you to introduce yourself all you did was say your name. They knew it was bad enough being here and many of the girls had a bad enough life before coming here, so they kept it to a minimum with the questions. I was happy about that, I don't want to talk about myself anyway and there really isn't much to tell.

After I took a seat she went on with her lesson. I was in English class bored out of my mind, not really cause I hate English I actually love it but because I learnt all this already. I was also distracted by the rain outside I had a lot on my mind like what was I gonna do about Giann feeling sorry for me all the time.

Ms. Wright was just putting work on the board when Kym walked in and whispered something to her.

Finish the work on the board girls I'll be back in a few minutes.

She walked out and closed the door. I wrote down everything did them and put my head on the table. I was thinking about what Giann said about me running from all the homes in the last year. It made sense but at the same time she understood why I kept doing it. None of those families were good enough for me. They weren't even good enough for anyone. 

I must have fallen asleep cause I felt someone shaking me awake. When I looked up I was staring at Ms. Wright.

Class has already ended. You should go to the lunch room and get something to eat.

Ok miss

Did you finish the work I left?

Yes I did.

I gave her my book picked up my bag and walked out. I had a good memory so I easily found my way to the lunch room. I got some mashed potatoes with chicken and steam vegetables. I guess this shelter got a lot of support for them to have such a wide variety of meals for lunch.

I found an empty seat sat down and started eating. It was good. I was kinda hungry, the only good thing I ate in 4 days was the breakfast Giann gave me this morning. I liked Giann, she always gave me books since she knows I love to read and this shelter had a small library a few novels to select from but still, I could find something good there.

The bell rang indicating lunch was over so I picked up my bag and went to technology class. The room was empty when I got there but the teacher told me to have a seat next to the windows since no one sat there.  When class began it was about 15 girls this time. They didn't have a lot of computers and the few that were here weren't all working, some of the girls kept looking at me and others showed me bad faces. I don't know why and I couldnt care less.

I knew I was beautiful but I didn't really care the only person who told me that everyday is no longer here. Giann tells me to stop hiding behind my hair and glasses but it doesn't matter, I don't listen to her, I just don't want to be noticed by anyone and still I attract trouble because I can't hide well enough to stop showing my good looks.

I'm not a cocky person you can tell by the fact that I wear my hair one way for the last six years. I comb it down so it falls down my back and the front covers my face most of the time. My glasses are huge too so they kinda help to cover my face and embarrass me at the same time. I only wear jeans and long sleeved shirts or hoodies and a black vans that Giann bought me for my birthday last year. All my jeans are either black, grey or navy blue and all my hoodies are either grey or black. I don't wear a lot of colours, like I said I try to be invisible as much as possible.

Technology class was exciting. We were learning to pull apart a desktop and put it back together. I had art next then math the worst subject ever. I hated math I don't get why letters had to be mixed with numbers or why they put decimal places in or what the f^ck a pie is for. F^ck math I don't want to go but Giann won't let me hear the end of it if I don't. She acts more like a mother to me than she should but I'm okay with that she's the only one I'll actually listen to some times.

The day flew by and by the time the bell rang again I was heading back to my room. I didn't make any friends but I don't care I'm not here to make friends anyways Giann's gonna get me out soon.

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