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I was hot as hell when I woke up Saturday morning. I don't know how I ended up with this huge comforter on me but I was dying.

I got up and cooled my body down before going into the shower. I washed my hair brushed my teeth and cleaned my body. As I opened my door it was Fox rushing in as if he was waiting for a long time. He was being house trained and I guess they brought him back this morning. I made my bed and took up my dirty clothes from lastnight off the chair.

When I was finished I went to the kitchen for my usual Saturday morning breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes with a chocolate milkshake and a banana.

I usually did my homework on Friday so I could go to the Breakfast bar with Braxton.  Today I couldn't,  I was tired and Karen wanted me to come to the hospital for a checkup, I don't buy that, she was worried that the person looking for me wanted to hurt me. I know cause she already took me to get a checkup..

I wanted to do something to my hair. I was planning on streaking it with red or pink. I didn't tell Karen but I was gonna tell her since I already made the appointment. 

Karen dropped me off at the hair salon after reminding me over and over that she was gonna call and make sure I was finished. Ugh... Mom mode again. And not just that Giann's daughter Quinn was coming too.

We always got along but because I didn't have a phone we couldn't get together. I think I always had a friendship with her so now I'm patching up our bond.

She was gonna tip the ends of her blond hair with blue so I was meeting her at the salon. She was outside waiting when I got there with her phone in her hands, guessing she just texted me since my phone is beeping in my pocket.

Hey. Alex, I haven't seen you in months, glad you finally have a phone so I can text you all the time.

Yeah me too.

She had on a white shorts and a black cami top and Levis on her feet. We pushed the salon door open and went it. I walked up to the counter gave them my name and she told me to take a seat.

I got my hair cut to my neck, it looked really good and Quinn loved it. I loved Quinns blue tips, we payed at the counter and went for lunch. I got a chicken sandwich with a smoothie and Quinn got a burger with bacon and a coke. We went to get some snacks cause Quinn was staying over tonight then we left the mall.

We got put the cab and I saw Oneilia and Sydney waiting on her front steps.

Alex, we've been waiting for an hour. Wow. Your hair looks great.

Yeah I agree it really does

Thanks. It took a while to get it done. Anyways are you staying over tonight too Sydney?

I can if you want.

Sorry. This is Quinn. I've known her for years but I couldn't get in contact with her. This is Sydney and Oneilia.

Nice to meet you both.

Aren't you going to call Daniella? You know she'll be upset if you didn't at least ask.

I already did. She cant make it.

You know the only reason is cause she going out with her boyfriend now. She doesn't even have time for us anymore, she is too busy being glued to the hip with him.

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