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I was awoken by scratching at the door and being really warm. Oneilia was still wrapped around me and I was slightly annoyed with Fox and his scratching at the door. I tried getting up but Oneilia held me tighter.

Can you just let me open the door for Fox he is being really annoying and it's only 4:30.

Ok then.

She let go and I got up and let Fox out then laid back down.

Have you ever had a boyfriend? She asked with her eyes still closed.

Isn't it too early to ask questions Oneilia?

Nope. We are already awake anyways.

No. Never

A girlfriend then?

No. I couldn't even keep in contact with Quinn. I didn't have time for a relationship.

You gonna tell me where you're from?

I'm not sure we moved around a lot for my father's work so I  never asked. It wasn't important either. I was happy wherever we were.

Oh. Why did you act like that when I woke you up?

I can't tell you. I don't want you feeling sorry for me.

Ok so do you like it here?

It's better than anywhere I've been in the last six years.

That fucked up huh?

Yeah just like that all the time. I got shit luck. Now go back to sleep I don't know about you but I got school in a couple hours with a class full of girls that hate me. I need all the sleep I can get.

I shut my eyes and fell right back asleep.

I was shaken awake by someone. When I looked it was Karen.

You have to get up now. You have to go to school.

Not really I know all that is being taught already. The class is behind. I read a lot and I have more time on my hands than you could think.

I'm sorry Alex but Your social worker said I had to drop you off by eight. She will be there waiting.

I know she will. Okay, I'll be down in a few minutes.

After she left I looked to see that I was alone in bed. I dragged myself out made the bed and went to the shower. When I finished I got dressed combed my fingers through my hair put on my glasses and picked up my bag from the floor.

Breakfast was waiting for me as usual. I ate in silence like I usually do washed my plate when I was finished then waited for Karen to tell me she's ready.

Mr. Wayne had already left cause he had some very impatient customers that liked their coffee very early.

I walked outside to her car, got in and buckled my seat belt waiting for her. Oneilia was coming towards the car, she was dressed and ready for school.

Good morning..


When are you coming back?

Why do you want me to come back? I said not even looking at her.

What better reason than the fact that I like you?

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