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I was tired from all the driving around and still couldn't fall asleep. I showered got dressed took my book out of my bag and continued reading.

I was awoken by the smell of food, I'm starving. I changed my clothes brushed my teeth and went downstairs. I was attacked by a ball of white fur on the way to the kitchen, Fox was so playful.

Good morning Mr. And Mrs Wayne.

Morning Alexa. Did you sleep good lastnight?

Not really, but that's completely normal. You don't have to worry about it.

Okay. Breakfast is almost finished.
I could tell she wanted to ask more questions but thankfully she didn't.

I smiled and looked around. I could see the tv in the room from here. It was huge, I haven't watched tv in a while, I haven't done a lot of things in a while.

A plate of scrambled eggs and french toast was placed in front of me and my chocolate milk. I started eating while Karen packed the cooler again and Mr. Wayne carried the stuff to the car. It was about 9:00 am I slept late, I really was tired. Usually I'm up before the sun. Running off on my own sometimes has taught me a lot and especially the fact that I can't sleep too late cause I'll probably get caught and I can't sleep too sound cause anything can happen.

I'm not perfect, I know my record only has me as a runner but I have stolen a lot of stuff before. Obviously Giann doesn't know that. I've stolen clothes, shoes, socks, gloves food and I did lift a pair of earrings one time but I couldn't keep them so I sold it. What can I say I had to survive out there and a part of that means being comfortable for cold or rainy nights.

I was drawn out of my memories by Karen who kept asking if I was ok.

You have been staring at the ceiling for the last 5 minutes. Are you ok?

Yeah I'm fine I just remembered something.

Okay then. You can go get ready we are about to leave.

I got up put my dish in the sink washed it and turned it down. I went upstairs to find a bag on my bed. A black and blue swimsuit was in the bag along with a note. I know you can actually swim and I can tell you wanted to. Oneilia.

I smiled picked it up and went inside the bathroom to change. It was a one piece not too extreme but it had a lot of strings and it might as well be two pieces the amount of skin I was showing between the top and bottom half. I loved it though.

I pulled on my jeans and shirt over it and went back downstairs. Karen was waiting for me by the door, she carried Fox across the street to the neighbors then came back and we left.

I don't know how long I was in the water but I started to look like prunes so I got out. I was also starving and tired from the many laps back and forth. I can't say it enough I love the ocean.

When I went beside Karen she looked at me like she seeing me for the first time.

You can actually swim.

Yeah i can.

So why didn't you yesterday?

I didn't have a swimsuit.

I knew Oneilia had something to do with this swimsuit the minute I saw it. You look beautiful by the way. First time I'm actually seeing your whole face at once. She smiled at what she said and so did I.

Brax has been keeping those boys over there from you. He says he doesn't like they way they are staring at you. She laughed after that, I don't like it either but we have to understand that you are beautiful and so will attract a lot of boys and you are still just a teenager.

I looked where she directed and sure enough four boys were standing there looking over at us.

If you do want me to live with you you have to understand that I will attract both boys and girls but I only like girls... I didn't want to see her reaction so I looked down.

That's okay Alex. Look at me. I looked up. That won't mean we don't want you, we still do. Brax won't have to keep your dates in line he'll be happy about that but he won't mind, we don't judge.


I laid back on the towel trying to get some feeling back into my legs.

Your swimsuit really is a piece of work though.


We were at the beach until 12:00 when they decided to leave cause we had to be rested to attend he dinner fully refreshed.
The drive to their house was a blur all I did was rest my head on the window and look outside. When Mr. Wayne parked I couldn't be happier to fall asleep.

Alexa, do you have anything to wear tonight?

I shook my head no.

We can go buy something for you to were it, it doesn't have to be flashy or anything. She was nervous.

I really didn't want her spending money on me but I had no choice. I didn't want to stick out in the crowd that would kill the whole plan of hiding wouldn't it.

She picked up the keys and told her husband we were going out. We came to a small shop she parked and we went in. I take that back this place is huge.

She picked a black sleeveless dress that stopped right above my knees and told me to try it.
It took a while to get the thing on cause I was debating if I really was gonna wear such a nice dress. I don't own anything half as nice as this.
I finally pulled it on and pulled up the little zipper in the side. That girl in the dress in the mirror couldn't actually be me. If it was then I looked sexy. First time I've ever used that work on myself.

I went out to show Karen and she squeeled like a little kid. We had to buy the dress is what she said while paying for it. She got me black flats cause its obvious I own no heels ever so that would be the death of me to walk in those.

We got to the house I just fell face first on the couch and fell asleep instantly. I was being Shaken awake I flew up and backed away. For this first time in a long time another terrifying memory came rushing back.

Alexa. Alexa it's okay it's just me.

My eyes opened up and I looked and saw Oneilia sitting there.

Karen told me to wake you its time to start getting ready. She said I should do something with you hair.

I shook my head cause truthfully I was still shaken up by the memory. I had enough to keep me up at nights. I didn't even tell Giann, she did wonder for a while when I became absolutely silent even towards her but I kept it to myself.

I walked up the stairs got into the shower and washed myself of the images that came back, I hope I don't have nightmares about this tonight.

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