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I hate waking up with the sun in my eyes but today is a whole new day, basically the start of a whole new life for me. Karen wanted to take me shopping since I was starting public school on Monday.  I am definitely not looking forward to that. I hate being the new girl, and plus I'm starting school with a bruised cheek and a busted lip. That will only attract 2 kinds of people, the 'bad' kids and the assholes who think they run the school.

My new school isn't too far from the house it's like a 10 minute drive, or at least that's what Mr. Wayne said.

Karen was upset about my face. She would have thrown a fit if her husband and I didnt keep telling her I was okay. She was truly dramatic it was funny. She gave me something to put on it so the bruise could fade faster.

Karen was in what I called Giann's 'mom mode' the whole time lastnight until I went to bed.

I brushed my teeth took a shower then went down to the kitchen, funny enough there was no waiting breakfast. Karen was on the phone talking she instantly lit up when she saw me.

Are you ready?


To go get your stuff for school.

It's like 7:00 in the morning.

I know but I wanted to get and early start.

I need food. I laid my head on the counter and looked at her.

Would you go if I let you drive?

Are you bribing me?

No I want to leave now and you could drive so u will have something to do.

I'll go but I won't drive. I can't drive.

Why can't you?

No. I mean I can't drive as in I didn't learn to.

OhI'm sorry then. What do you want to eat?

Cereal would be great.

Ok we can do that before we go then.

Are we going to be shopping all day? Cause I am really not used to all of this or even getting new stuff.

I know that's why I want to give you everything.

First I need new glasses the idiot broke mine and while I can see I can't see words without them.

Brax said contacts. Cause you are beautiful without your glasses and they'll show your face more. You'll still get a pair though.

Ok. Please don't buy me dresses for school I hate them.

That's fine.

I got up washed my dish and turned it down. I drank some water then went outside. Karen closed the door and we drove to the mall.

Favorite colour?

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