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As soon as we pulled onto the road I was being drilled with questions.

You got into another fight?


I thought we talked about this

We did but it looks like no one talked to Finley.

How didn't I hear about it this time?

Cause no one knows. They were all at lunch and I know Ms . Kym is going to say it was my fault so I avoided her.

When did this happen?


Does it still hurt?

Yes.you know I could have caused some serious damage to her but I didn't cause I know you would flip out.

Where are your glasses?

The idiot broke them.

That means you didn't do any work today.

No I just wrote what I heard.

My back was a little stiff from where I hit the lockers yesterday. I'm sure it's also bruised too right between my shoulder blades.

She was silent after that and I know it meant she was thinking. I'm ok Giann, really. It's not like you haven't seen me more beat up than this.

She did a small smile then kept her eyes on the road. We turned on to the street the Waynes lived on. While Giann was parking I looked across to Oneilias house, she was sitting on the steps with some boys. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous but I guess I shouldn't I couldn't expect her to still want to be friends after that day. I've learnt to face the fact that people don't usually stay my friend.

I got out the car got my stuff and waited for the door to open then I went in. The house looked different.

Mr. Wayne carried my bag up to the room then came back down with a smile on his face.. until he actually saw my face.

What happened to your face?

I got in a fight with a girl she broke my glasses but I smacked her around but then I knew Giann would flip so I froze and she took the upper hand and busted my lip.

Wouldn't you prefer contacts to go out and you would still get glasses to wear inside. Just please avoid any more fights like that ok.

He looked at me expectantly.

Ill try.

I agree with that. I have to leave now Alex but I'll keep checking up on you.  Goodnight Mr. Wayne. Tell your wife I'll see her soon.

Giann left after that.

I hope you don't mind. Karen will be here  in a few minutes. I am tired so would you like us to go buy something for dinner?

I shook my head yes so he picked up his keys and we went to the car.
We bought pizza cause I haven't had that for a while and Mr. Wayne bought an Italian sub for himself.

You are bad ass aren't you? First you kicked Wes in the groin after meeting him for only 5 minutes.  Then you go back and return with a busted lip and bruised cheek. Tell me what really happened.

She called me a bitch I walked away she kept doing it and following me I punched her square in the nose broke it 2 places and busted her lip. She wanted revenge she attacked me in the hallway I hit my back on the lockers it hurt like hell. She punched me in the jaw I got up she made a wild swing and I punched her under her ribs. I froze when I remembered what Giann said and she took the advantage slammed me in the lockers again and punched me in the face that's how my glasses broke.
I hit her under the throat today when I found out she and her friends thrashed my room.

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