part four

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billy hargrove, also known as the boy who had shoulder checked me earlier in the hall

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billy hargrove, also known as the boy who had shoulder checked me earlier in the hall. he strutted in, despite being as nearly new as i was, and acted like he owned the place.

god, to have that much confidence...

"what?" came his quick and blunt question.

ms. m seemed a little bit taken aback but nonetheless put a smile back on her face.

"yes, dear. steve here is going to show both you and ms. montgomery around. go on."

with that, we were moved into the hallway where the silence was deafening.

"alright, what are your first periods?"

i held the paper between my fingers tightly. i wanted so badly to just hand him the paper so i didn't have to speak.

"listen, asshole. i don't need this, you, or this school," billy said, leaning against the lockers. i swiftly put my head down as our eyes connected once again.

"what's wrong, princess? cat got your tongue?"

i moved a piece of my brunette hair behind my ear before slowly raising my head.

"no," came my lame response.

steve was looking between us like he was watching an intense tennis match. he then took the paper from my hand and read my schedule, nodding his head as he read.

"okay," he said, dragging out the "y." "let's get you crazy kids to your class. we all have the same first period."

he started moving down the hall but i waited for billy to follow first. however, he stayed in his spot against the lockers- an unwavering gaze locking us both in place.

"are you guys coming?" steve yelled down the empty hallway. shaking my head yes as i started towards him, not looking back to see if billy was coming.

billy reminded me so much of him. i couldn't be associated with anyone like that anymore. i just couldn't be.

i had to stay away from billy hargrove.

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