part twelve

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lifting my hand to touch my face, i gasped

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lifting my hand to touch my face, i gasped. i had forgotten about the bruise.

muffled noises came from the boys as billy pressed them further into the lockers.

"do you think it's funny to hit girls?" when they said nothing, he asked again. but this time, he brought them away from the lockers just to slam them back into it. the noise of metal rattling and painful screams brought me out of my daze.

"billy, it wasn't them. i swear to you," i said, lightly touching his face.

his eyes snapped to mine, accessing, to see if i was telling the truth. he nodded, but kept the boys pinned.

"you're going to apologize to betty here, tomorrow you're going to apologize to my sister, and then you're never going to talk to either of them ever again. is that clear?" the boys nodded their heads, clearly wanting out of the situation they had put themselves in.

billy released them and took a few steps back. he glanced at both of the boys before looking at me.

"we're so sorry," they said before sprinting down the hall. looking at the direction they were running, i could see max and her friends standing flabbergasted. i'm sure my face resembled theirs. i hadn't even heard them come back in.

i barely touched billy's shoulder before asking quietly, "are you alright?"

taking a deep breath, he turned towards me.

"am i alright? fuck no i'm not. who hit you?" i stepped back, my hand drifting off of his shoulder.

"can we talk about this later, please?" i pleaded. the words came back, itching the back of my throat to be said.

he grunted before grabbing my hand. then, he started for the doors.

lost in thought, i hadn't realized we were standing by the passenger seat of his car. he opened it for me but this time, it didn't make me as shocked. i was beginning to see that there were two very different sides to billy hargrove; one side was extremely aggressive and the other side was oppressed by his aggressive side.

i sat in his car as i watched max and billy talk outside. nodding, max went over to mike and hopped on the front of his bike. billy slid into the car but didn't start it.

"who did it?" i sighed, looking at my hands in my lap. chipping the pink nail polish off, i knew i couldn't put it off anymore.

"my mom," i whispered out. his hands gripped the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles turned ghost white.

after a few silent moments, he leaned forward in his seat and took off his jacked. then, it was followed by his shirt.

my eyes went wide as i quickly turned to look out of my window.

"um, billy? what're you doing?" i asked, feeling my face turn bright red.

he grasped my chin and slowly turned my face back to him. i tried to keep eye contact with him but something dark caught my eye.

a large bruise was painted across his chest, making gasp. my fingers shook as i reached out and touched it as lightly as i could.

"what happened?" i asked, shock laced in my voice. someone had done this to him?

"my dad," he spoke simply. he kept his eyes forward as i looked at the rest of his chest that was splattered with black, blue, and yellow marks.

"i'm so sorry," i said gently, "no one deserves this." he grabbed my hand, stopping me from touching him anymore.

"i'm not a nice guy. i'm a monster," billy said while looking me in the eye.

i shook my head no. "the only monster i know is someone who can beat another human being and make them believe that they are the true monster."

taking a deep breath, i said what needed to be said. "i'm abused. and you're abused. but how you treat some people- like your sister and her friends- isn't an excuse. just... next time, remember that you're not the monster."

he turned his head, making me shift my eyes upwards to meet his static blue eyes. they were back to the light blue i preferred rather than the dark, menacing blue they sometimes turned.

"betty montgomery, you're something else."


the next chapter has a demogorgon. get ready for a true monster. 🙃

prepared to be rekt, readers.

also, highway by PsychicLavender  is a bees knees billy fanfic.

oh, i also have a darce imagines thing posted. if you want to request any dacre or billy specific things, go there (please). thank ya.

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